Yes, some species of wasps do return to the same nest year after year.
Yes, some species of wasps do return to the same nest.
Yes, some species of wasps do return to the same nest every year, while others build new nests each year.
Yes, hornets typically return to the same nest every year.
Yes, wasps can sting at night. They are active during the day and night, and their ability to sting remains the same regardless of the time of day.
No, wasps do not possess a photographic memory. They have a different type of memory that helps them navigate and remember locations, but it is not the same as a photographic memory.
Yes, some species of wasps do return to the same nest.
Yes, some species of wasps do return to the same nest every year, while others build new nests each year.
Yes, hornets typically return to the same nest every year.
No she doesn't. She makes a new nest another place. After she raises the baby.
Robins nested on our porch in Mississauga, Ontario, in 2007. They are back in 2008. Are they the same robins? Or are they the offspring returning to their birthplace? How could we find out? All robins look alike to us. We have photos. ET 19 May, 2008.
Yes, but the same one's may come back. You should use the freeze spray then knock them down.
Birds may abandon their nests for various reasons, such as disturbance by predators or humans, changes in environmental conditions, or if the nest becomes infested with parasites. The decision to abandon a nest is often a survival strategy to protect themselves or their offspring from potential threats.
The queen wasp tends to make a new nest every year which grows in size as her brood expands. She makes the material for her nest by chewing old bits of rotting wood and turning it into a substance which looks and feels like papier mache.
Eagles will find a sturdy tree and then collect many things such as twigs, branches, corn stalks, bits and pieces of hay and straw. Really anything they can find to build a nest in the tree. It takes months for them to build a nest from scratch and this is the reason the eagle will come back to the same nest year after year until the nest grows too big for the tree and they have to start again
Well, no, once yellow jackets die they don't really go anywhere. I guess if they died in their nest then they would stay there (or more likely booted out the door by other wasps that didn't want a corpse hanging around)what time of year do they hibernate?
no no no