This phenomenon is known as incomplete dominance, where neither allele is dominant over the other and a blending of traits is observed in the heterozygous genotype. This results in an intermediate phenotype that is a mix of the two homozygous phenotypes.
Lions are nocturnal, live in prides and females hunt cooperatively. They are the apex predator of the African savanna and have few enemies. Lions in the wild show little fear of other animals.
Incomplete dominance and co-dominance differ from typical Mendelian crosses in that they involve more complex inheritance patterns. In incomplete dominance, the heterozygous phenotype is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes, while in co-dominance, both alleles are expressed fully in the heterozygous individual. This contrasts with typical Mendelian crosses where one allele is dominant and masks the expression of the other recessive allele.
Incomplete dominance is a genetic phenomenon where neither allele is completely dominant over the other, resulting in a blending of traits in the phenotype. This means that the observable characteristics in an individual with incomplete dominance will be a mix of the traits from both alleles, rather than one trait being dominant over the other.
A)Polygenic Inheritance B) Multiple AllelesC)Incomplete Dominance D) Sex-Linked GenesThe answer is C = incomplete dominancePOSTED BYLexi Garcia Velasquez
Male lions don't live as long as female lions do. They also fight each other for dominance in the wild.
Dogs may fight with each other to communicate or establish dominance in their social hierarchy. Fighting can be a way for dogs to assert their position and resolve conflicts within their group.
Yes, lions do fight other lions, typically over territory, mating opportunities, or food. These fights can be intense and result in injuries or even death, particularly among competing males. Lions have a complex social structure that involves aggression and dominance displays to establish a hierarchy within their pride.
Yes, geckos do fight each other for territory or dominance.
Lions and other lions fight to see who is the strongest. They also fight to see who will eat first and to protect their young from other prides.
Some tarantulas fight for dominance.
For food,space,dominance,mates,and for territory!
If 1 lion enters another lions territory they would fight. Or if a lion tries invading the other lions territory and make it his
To show dominance in that area
Mostly because of food and who gets control of the female lions.
they fight each other beacause they want a mate to have sex with .
Of course it would! Lions fight and even kill other lions to keep away from their food and territory.