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Yes, chickens can feel pain when they are being raised for consumption. They have nerve endings and sensory receptors that allow them to experience pain and distress.

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Q: Do chickens feel pain when they are being raised for consumption?
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Do chickens feel pain?

Yes, chickens are capable of feeling pain. They have a nervous system that allows them to experience sensations, including pain.

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Why are chickens flightless?

Chickens are not flightless. Physiologically and structurally speaking, they are not flightless. They can fly short distances, but prefer not to, tending to only do so when they feel they are in danger.Modern chickens live in protected areas, and so are behaviourally flightless. They have no need to fly, as all their needs - food, water, shelter and protection - are on the ground.However, farmed hens may be flightless as they have had their wings clipped to stop them being able to fly.

Do Chickens get headaches?

No. Their brain is far too simple to feel them. But they sure can give YOU a headache :-)

Do chickens feel pain?

Yes , they have nerve endings which the chicken's brain interprets as pain .

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