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different groups of organisms on number of cell?

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Organisms are classified by the number of cells they have: unicellular organisms consist of a single cell like bacteria and protists, while multicellular organisms are made up of many cells, like plants, animals, and fungi, working together as a complex system. This classification helps scientists understand the structure, function, and evolution of different types of organisms.

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Q: Different groups of organisms on number of cell?
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How are living organisms classified?

Living organisms are classified based on similarities in their physical and genetic characteristics. This classification system groups organisms into categories such as domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Organisms are organized into taxonomic groups based on shared traits and evolutionary relationships.

Do eukaryotes cells have single cell organisms?

An eukaryotic cell just means that it has membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. single cell organisms are organisms that are solo, they aren't cell specialized. Single cell organisms can be eukaryoic or prokaryotic (no membrane bound organelles and no nucleus) cells.

Do different organisms have different substances within their cell walls?

Yes, different organisms have different substances in their cell walls. For example, plants have cell walls made of cellulose, fungi have cell walls made of chitin, and bacteria have cell walls made of peptidoglycan. These differences in cell wall composition are important for distinguishing between different types of organisms.

What 2 organisms have a cell wall?

Plants and fungi have cell walls. The cell wall provides structural support and protection for these organisms' cells.

How do scientists classify organisms into different Kingdoms?

Scientists use a variety of criteria, such as genetic information, cell structure, and metabolic processes to classify organisms into different Kingdoms. This classification is based on similarities and differences in these criteria among organisms. The current system of classification uses three domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya) and further divides organisms into six Kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, Bacteria) based on these criteria.

Related questions

How can cell classification be useful in identifying organisms?

Cell classification is useful in identifying organisms because different types of cells can help to distinguish between different species or groups of organisms. By studying the characteristics and structures of cells, scientists can determine relationships between organisms and categorize them into taxonomic groups based on similarities and differences in cell structure. This information can provide valuable insights into the evolutionary history and relationships of different species.

Do multicelluar organisms grow?

Yes, multicellular organisms grow by increasing the number of cells through cell division and cell growth. Growth in multicellular organisms also involves the increase in overall size and development of different tissues and organs.

What organisms have groups of cell arranged into ogans?


What are the differences between single cell organisms and multi cell organisms?

Single-cell organisms, like bacteria and yeast, are composed of a single cell that can carry out all the functions necessary for survival. In contrast, multi-cellular organisms, like plants and animals, are made up of more than one cell that are specialized to perform different functions. Multi-cellular organisms have a higher level of complexity and organization compared to single-cell organisms.

How are living organisms classified?

Living organisms are classified based on similarities in their physical and genetic characteristics. This classification system groups organisms into categories such as domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Organisms are organized into taxonomic groups based on shared traits and evolutionary relationships.

What is uni cellular organisms?

Unicellular organisms are organisms that have one cell. They are divided into two quite different types, from different classification kingdoms

How are single celled organisms different than multicelled organisms?

because it is the cell wall

Groups of scientific Statements about the cell and the relationship between organisms and cells?

Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. Cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells, and that cells are the fundamental units of life. Cells can exist as single-celled organisms, like bacteria, or as part of multicellular organisms, where different cell types perform specialized functions. The relationship between organisms and cells is essential for survival, as cells work together to carry out various biological processes that sustain life.

Do eukaryotes cells have single cell organisms?

An eukaryotic cell just means that it has membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. single cell organisms are organisms that are solo, they aren't cell specialized. Single cell organisms can be eukaryoic or prokaryotic (no membrane bound organelles and no nucleus) cells.

What is the largest cell number in viruses?

viruses are unicellular organisms

How is a bacteria cell different from the cell of ohter kinds of organisms?

Bacteria are prokaryotes, therefore they do not have a nucleus.

How are unicellular and multicellular organisms alike and how are they different?

They are alike because they both have a cell. The only difference is that multicellular organisms have more than one cell.