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Some individuals misinterpreted Darwin's theory of evolution to justify racist ideologies, suggesting that certain races were more evolved or superior. However, this is a misrepresentation of Darwin's work, as he did not discuss human racial differences in terms of superiority or inferiority. Modern science demonstrates that race is a social construct with no biological basis for determining superiority.

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Q: Did Darwinists use false science to claim whites were the superior race?
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How do you write a good CER for a conclusion?

To write a good CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) for a conclusion, clearly state your claim summarizing the findings or results of your investigation. Support your claim with specific evidence from your research or experiment. Then, explain the reasoning behind how the evidence supports your claim and ties back to the original question or hypothesis. Keep it concise and focused on the key points of your conclusion.

What does piggy mean by his claim that life is scientific?

Piggy believes that life can be understood and controlled through rational and systematic methods, similar to how science operates. He values logic and reason as the guiding principles for understanding human behavior and the world around him.

How does science relates to medical billing and coding?

Science relates to medical billing and coding through the understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology. Coders and billers use scientific knowledge to accurately code diagnoses and procedures, ensuring proper reimbursement for healthcare services. Science also plays a role in understanding disease processes and treatment options, which can impact coding practices.

What did Carols Linnaeus claim to fame in life science?

Carl Linnaeus is famous for developing the binomial nomenclature system, which is a way of naming and classifying living organisms based on their genus and species. This system is still widely used in the field of biology and has greatly influenced the way we organize and study life on Earth.

Has Science disproved the Creation story?

Science has not disproved the Creation story as it is a matter of faith and not a scientific claim. Science and religion operate in different realms and can coexist without contradicting each other. Many people see the Creation story as a metaphorical or symbolic explanation of the origins of the universe, while accepting scientific explanations for how the universe functions.

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What group used false science to Claim were the superior race?


Which group uses false science to claim whites are a Superior race?

Any white hate group does - such as Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members. They claim that anyone who's not 100% white is inferior - but they have a rude surprise waiting for most of them because almost nobody is 100% white any longer, especially in America!

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