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Deoxygenated blood travels away from the heart to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen and becomes oxygenated.

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Q: Deoxygenated blood travels away from the heart and toward the where it becomes oxygenated.?
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Why do your vains look blue?

your veins look blue because your blood has no oxygen, when your blood is oxygenated it is red and when it is deoxygenated it is blue. veins carry blood toward the heart and are often blue while arteries carry blood away from the heart and are filled with oxygenated blood.

In the differences between veins and arteries it says veins 'rarely' pulsate 'mainly' carry deoxygenated blood one vein is different from the rest which one?

Viens do not have a pulse, but they do have valves that arteries do not. Most veins carry oxygenated blood toward the heart. The only exception is the pulmonary veins that carry oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart. The same is true for arteries. They carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body except the lungs. The pulmonary arteries are the only exception because they carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

How does the oxygen enter your heart?

Highly oxygenated blood enters the heart via the pulmonary veins into the left atrium of the heart. Veins return to the heart and normally have relatively deoxygenated blood (pulmonary veins are an exception to this rule and have freshly-oxygenated blood) while arteries go away from the heart and have highly oxygenated blood (the pulmonary artery bringing blood from the right ventricle toward the lungs is an exception and has poorly oxygenated blood).

What do the arteries in the body do?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart, whereas veins carry blood toward the heart. In general, arteries carry oxygenated blood and veins carry deoxygenated blood. This is NOT the case for the pulmonary vein, which brings freshly oxygenated blood back to the left side of the heart so that it can be distributed to the rest of the body.

How does veins carry oxygenated blood while others carry deoxygenated blood?

Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the right atrium of the heart, which sends it through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle to the pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary arteries to the lungs (to become oxygenated and get rid of waste gases) to the pulmonary veins to the left atrium of the heart through the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle through the semilunar aortic valve to the ascending aorta to the aortic arch and out to the body. So the only veins that are oxygenated are the pulmonary veins that carry the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. They are still called veins because they carry blood TO the heart. Thus, the only deoxygenated blood in arteries is also the pulmonary arteries, because they carry the deoxygenated blood AWAY from the heart to the lungs. All veins must carry blood toward the heart and all arteries must carry blood away from the heart.

What blood Vessels carry blood toward the heart?

The veins. The Inferior and Superior Vena Cavae carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart from the body whereas the pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood.

Where does blue blood come from before entering the heart?

There is no "blue blood," only red blood. Deoxygenated blood is dark red and oxygenated blood is bright red. Deoxygenated blood (dark red) picks up oxygen at the lungs in the alveoli. The high concentration of oxygen in the lung cavities diffuse into the low concentration of oxygen in the blood. The oxygen binds to the hemoglobin and becomes "oxygenated," and continues to the systemic circuit.

What blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood toward the heart?

The veins

What blood vessel carry deoxygenated blood toward the heart?

The veins

Direction of blood flow in arties and veins?

Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body's tissues, while veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. This key difference in oxygenation levels within the blood is what distinguishes arteries from veins.

What blood vessels carry oxygenated blood toward the heart?

Pulmonary vein

What direction do veins carry blood?

Veins carry blood towards the heart. Arteries carry it away from the heart.