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decomposition, which involves the breakdown of dead organic matter into simpler compounds by decomposers like bacteria, fungi, and other organisms. These decomposers play a vital role in recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem for use by living organisms.

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Q: Dead organic matter is prevented from accumulating by the cycle of?
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What is another name for nutrient cycles in ecosystems?

The dead organic matter are an example of nutrient cycle and can sometimes be buried under sediment, rendering the carbon unavailable to living organisms.

How are bacteria and fungi part of a cycle?

Bacteria and fungi play roles in nutrient cycling by decomposing organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem. Bacteria break down complex organic compounds into simpler forms, which can then be taken up by plants and other organisms. Fungi are also important decomposers that break down organic matter and help in nutrient cycling.

Explain kerb cycle?

The kerb cycle involves the conversion of organic matter, such as food scraps and yard waste, into compost or energy. These materials are collected from households or businesses and processed at a facility to produce compost for soil enrichment or biogas for energy production. The kerb cycle promotes sustainability by diverting organic waste from landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Why are decomposers important to the Carbon Cycle?

Decomposers break down organic matter, releasing carbon back into the environment as carbon dioxide during the process of decomposition. This continues the cycle of carbon, allowing it to be reused by plants for photosynthesis. Without decomposers, carbon would remain locked in organic matter and not be available for other organisms.

Modern farming practices speed up the decomposition of matter in soil how might this affect the nitrogen cycle?

Modern farming practices can disrupt the nitrogen cycle in soil by accelerating the decomposition of organic matter, leading to increased nitrogen loss through leaching and runoff. This can result in decreased soil fertility and the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to maintain crop productivity.

Related questions

Why is dead organic matter important to the carbon- oxygen cycle?

Because fossil fuels are produced from dead organic matter. Then the fossil fuels are burnt, and they release carbon.

What do nitrates and organic matter produce?

Nitrogen gas becomes the ultimate product of nitrates and organic matter and complete the nitrogen cycle. Organic matter converts into ammonium, which oxidizes into ammonia and then into nitrites. Nitrites oxidize into nitrates, which reduce into nitrogen gas.

What is the connection between organic matter and atmospheric oxygen?

Organic matter is composed of carbon and other elements that are essential for life. When organic matter decomposes, it releases carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. Oxygen in the atmosphere is a byproduct of photosynthesis, where plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Organic matter and atmospheric oxygen are interconnected through the carbon cycle, as organic matter contributes to the balance of gases in the atmosphere.

What is another name for nutrient cycles in ecosystems?

The dead organic matter are an example of nutrient cycle and can sometimes be buried under sediment, rendering the carbon unavailable to living organisms.

Why do animals need decomposers?

Decomposers are essential to maintaining a health ecosystem. Animals are part of a natural cycle which moves energy and organic matter to all living organisms. The cycle flows from producers to consumers (animals and other heterotrophs) to decomposers. Decomposers break down dead organisms (plants, animals, etc) into basic organic matter. The organic matter then becomes the building blocks for producers such as plants, phytoplankton and seaweed. Animals then eat these producers completing the cycle. Without decomposers the tissues of dead organisms would build up and the organic matter and nutrients within them would not be available to support new life, thus breaking the cycle.

Is solar energy important to the nutrient cycle?

Solar energy is crucial for driving photosynthesis in plants, which is the primary source of organic matter production in ecosystems. This organic matter forms the basis of the nutrient cycle as it is consumed by other organisms and decomposed by microbes, releasing nutrients back into the environment. Therefore, solar energy is essential for sustaining the nutrient cycle in ecosystems.

How is matter conserved in the carbon cycle?

Water cycle returns matter(water) back to earth. As matter can neither be created nor be destroyed.

What would happen if all the decompose-rs are removed the carbon cycle?

In the absence of decomposers from carbon cycle heaps of organic matter will accumulate. This will ultimately disturb the natural balance.

What is an example of organic carbon?

An example of organic carbon is found in living organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as in organic matter like decaying plant material, compost, and soil organic matter. Organic carbon is a key component of the carbon cycle and plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth.

What role do the bacteria play in the carbon cycle?

Bacteria eat dead organic matter and release trapped carbon atoms as CO2.

Explain How the leaf is a organic matter?

Leaves are considered organic matter because they are made up of living or once-living organisms that contain carbon. They are composed of organic compounds such as cellulose, lignin, and chlorophyll, which are essential for the growth and function of plants. When leaves decompose, they break down into organic materials that enrich the soil and provide nutrients for new plant growth, completing the organic matter cycle.

Does erosion have anything to do with the Carbon Cycle?

Erosion indirectly affects the carbon cycle. When erosion occurs, it can transport organic matter, such as decaying plants and animals, to rivers and oceans. This organic matter can then be decomposed by bacteria, releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. Additionally, erosion can also expose fresh rocks, which can weather and release carbon into the soil and water.