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Thallophyta are nonvascular, simple plants like algae and fungi. Bryophyta are nonvascular plants including mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Tracheophyta, or vascular plants, have specialized tissues for conducting water and nutrients and include ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms.

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Q: Compare the characteristics of thallophyta brayophyta and terridophyta?
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Which of the following do cladistic taxonomists not compare when hypothesizing evolutionary relationships among organisms?

Cladistic taxonomists do not usually compare similarities in overall resemblance or appearance when hypothesizing evolutionary relationships among organisms. Instead, they focus on shared derived characteristics, or synapomorphies, to determine evolutionary relationships.

What are four characteristic's that scientists can use to compare organisms?

Scientists can compare organisms based on their DNA sequences, physical traits, biochemical compositions, and ecological roles to understand their relatedness and differences. These characteristics help in studying evolutionary relationships and biodiversity among different species.

How do scientists classify archaebacteria?

Scientists classify archaebacteria based on their genetic and biochemical differences from other bacteria. They use molecular techniques like DNA sequencing to compare the genetic makeup of archaebacteria with that of other organisms to determine their evolutionary relationships. Additionally, scientists study the unique features of archaebacteria's cell walls, membranes, and metabolic processes to classify them into different groups.

How do offspring in sexual reproduction compare to the parent?

Offspring in sexual reproduction inherit genetic material from both parents, leading to genetic variation and unique combinations of traits. This diversity helps offspring adapt to changing environments and potentially evolve advantageous characteristics compared to their parents.

What three things do scientists look for when they classify organisms?

When classifying organisms, scientists look for three main things: shared physical characteristics, genetic similarities, and evolutionary relationships. They observe and compare features such as anatomy, behavior, and molecular traits to determine how closely related different species are and how they should be classified into groups or categories.

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