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sexual: in sexual reproduction, cells from two different parents unite to form the first cell of the new organism.

asexual: in asexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring that are identical to itself.

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14y ago

Sexual reproduction

  • Two parents usually needed
  • Gametes have to join together (male gamete (e.g. sperm) and female gamete (eggs)
  • the new organisms formed have traits from the parents

Asexual reproduction

  • only one parent is needed
  • there is no joining together of gametes
  • the newly formed organisms are identical to the parent
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12y ago


1) sexual reproduction involves two parent to produce one or more new organisms while asexual reproduction involves one parent to produce one or more new organisms.

2) in sexual reproduction off-springs are not identical to their parents while in asexual reproduction off-springs are identical to their parent and identical to each other.

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