Normal function of the brain's control centers is dependent upon adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients through a dense network of blood vessels.
Blood is supplied to the brain, face, and scalp via two major sets of vessels: the right and left common carotid arteries and the right and left vertebral arteries.
credit for answer to the internet stroke center
Yes, the brain itself does not feel pain because it lacks pain receptors. However, surrounding tissues and structures in the head can feel pain when the brain is injured or damaged.
No, the brain itself does not feel pain because it lacks pain receptors. However, surrounding tissues and structures in the head can feel pain.
No, the brain itself does not feel pain because it lacks pain receptors. However, surrounding tissues and structures in the head can feel pain.
No, the brain itself does not feel pain because it lacks pain receptors. However, surrounding tissues and structures in the head can feel pain.
Yes, the brain itself does not feel pain, but headaches are caused by pain-sensitive structures in the head and neck.
No it does not according to medical research. But shrooms can make your brain bleed if you do it alot
Acid itself does not directly cause the brain to bleed. However, abuse of certain drugs, such as LSD or hallucinogenic substances, can lead to dangerous behaviors that may result in physical harm or injuries, including brain bleeding in severe cases.
An intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain. This describes a specific area in the brain. A bleed in the brain is life threatening.
A brain bleed can have serious consequences. It is best to follow your doctor's advice. Do not take the medication until your doctor tells you that it is safe.
touch the surface of the brain how does it feel
Yes, your brain can feel pain because that is where all your emotions come from.
It makes your brain bleed and it makes everything feel like a dream and causes chest pains and back pains. whatever you do NOT smoke it!!!! take it from someone that knows
No, mushrooms do not make your brain bleed. However, consuming certain toxic mushrooms can cause a range of symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal discomfort to organ failure, but not specifically brain bleeding. It is important to correctly identify mushrooms before consuming them.
A sonogram of the brain is often done in the NICU to check for a brain bleed. This test is sometimes a routine part of NICU care.
They feel emotion and love with thier heart. They feel bravery and loyalty with thier brain. They feel sexual attractions with thier brain, heart and vagina.
I am sure it is possible. You'd die from a concussion or brain bleed.