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it all depends on what plant it is. some plants grow better in the sun, some in the shade.

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3mo ago

Plants generally grow faster in the sun because they require sunlight for photosynthesis, a process that provides them with energy to grow. However, some plant species, particularly shade-loving plants, may grow faster in shade as they are adapted to lower light conditions.

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Q: Can a plant grow faster in the shade or sun?
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Do plants grow grow faster inside or out?

Plants typically grow faster outside due to access to natural sunlight and fresh air which are essential for photosynthesis and healthy growth. Indoor growth can be slower due to limited light exposure and often less optimal temperature and humidity levels.

Which plant has more chlorophyll sun plant or shade plant?

Sun plants typically have more chlorophyll than shade plants. This is because sun plants need to capture more sunlight for photosynthesis due to their exposure to higher levels of light, whereas shade plants have adapted to thrive in lower light conditions with less chlorophyll.

Are you able to plant a Crimson Queen Japanese Maple in the full sun?

Crimson Queen Japanese Maples prefer partial shade to full sun. If planted in full sun, they may experience leaf scorch and struggle to thrive. It is best to plant them in a location that offers some protection from the intense midday sun.

Do plants grow faster in dark or sun?

Plants require light for photosynthesis, so it is impossible for plants to increase in dry biomass without any light. Some plants do not require high levels of light for growth, because they are adapted to low light conditions (such as jungle and forest plants). Plants left in the dark will grow taller than plants in lighted conditions over a short period of time, but they will also be yellower and more spindly (etiolation). The increased height is a response to low light levels - the plant is trying to grow over anything that may be blocking the light, and will grow towards any source of light. As mentioned in the discussion page of this question this response is controlled by auxins in the plant growth points. For very short periods of time the plant will appear to be going faster than a control plant in normal light intensities - however, this is because the stem is normally thinner so the amount of biomass produced is roughly the same. In addition the plant has to make use of stored energy reserves as it is not able to photosynthesis. Etiolation is a form of self-protection mechanism, the plant expends energy and reserves looking for a source of light that can ensure its continued survival.

When is the best time to plant a snowball bush?

The best time to plant a snowball bush is in early spring or late fall when the plant is dormant. This allows the bush to establish its roots before the summer heat or winter cold sets in. Choose a location with well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade for optimal growth.

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Do do a plant grow faster in the sun without water or do a plant grow faster in shade with water?

Depends upon type of plant .

Does a plant grow faster in the shade or by the sun?

This greatly depends on the type of plant.

Will the rose grow better on the shade or the sun?

Flowers don't usually grow well in the shade, they need sunlight.

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It grows faster in the Photon Rich Sunlight.

If you move a plant to another spot of soil will the plant still grow?

It depends on if the plant is in the shade or sun. If it is a sun plant and is the shade, it will die, and vice versa. But if you put it in the right climate, it will do fune with watering.

What grows faster a plant in the sun with no water or a plant in a closet with water?

A plant in the sun with no water would grow faster than a plant in a closet with water. Sunlight is essential for photosynthesis, the process that plants use to make their own food, while water is also crucial but not as immediately impactful as sunlight for plant growth.

What happens if you grow a plant in the shade?

It depends on the plant, some love sun, others shade. Hosta, for example, loves shade, and thrive with no sun at all. Typically those plants that do well on shade have large leaves, allowing them to get more light for photosynthesis without actual sun. Sun loving plants including most vegetables and fruit trees will have a hard time in shade, and grow long, leggy thin branches as they try to get to better light.

Why do plants in the sunlight grow faster than the plants in the shade?

Plants rely on photosynthesis to create energy for all of their cellular functions. The more sun the plant takes in, the more energy it is able to produce, thus allowing it to grow faster.

Can lavender grow in partial shade in Texas?

Lavender is a Meddeterranian plant and is better grown in full sun.

Do puddles disappear faster in the sun or in the shade?

in the sun

Why plants get bigger in light then the shade?

because plants need sun in order to grow,and the sun gives a plant vitamins to the plants,otherwise,if it is in the shade,it does not receive any vitamins that's why it wilts.

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