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They could leave a note before they die...

i would say the dead person could communicate through paranormal activity

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3mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that a dead person can communicate with a living person. Belief in communication with the deceased typically falls under supernatural or spiritual beliefs and varies among cultures and religions. It is important to approach such beliefs with caution and skepticism.

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Q: Can a dead person communicate with a live person in any way?
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Can you relax a dead persons hair?

No, it is not possible to relax the hair of a deceased person as the hair no longer has any biological function once a person has passed away. Any cosmetic alterations to the hair would need to be done before death.

How do you get out bro-zone?

To get out of the friend zone, communicate your feelings honestly and directly to the other person. Show interest in them beyond friendship and pursue activities that could lead to a romantic connection. Remember that the other person may not feel the same way, so be prepared for any outcome.

What dead thing live in the ecosystem of a log?

In a log ecosystem, dead wood may serve as a habitat for various decomposers such as fungi, bacteria, insects, and other invertebrates, which break down the wood material. This decomposition process is essential for nutrient recycling in forest ecosystems, contributing to soil health and supporting the growth of new plants and trees. Additionally, the decaying log may provide shelter and nesting sites for small animals and birds.

Is the clitiros is the right argasam to stimulate the girls?

It is important to communicate with your partner to understand what brings them pleasure and satisfaction. Each person's preferences for stimulation vary, so it is important to focus on what feels good for your partner and to explore different techniques that work best for them. Remember that consent and mutual enjoyment are key in any sexual encounter.

How long can a person live with craniosynostosis?

The lifespan of an individual with craniosynostosis can vary depending on the severity of the condition and any associated complications. With early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, many individuals with craniosynostosis can live normal, healthy lives. Regular medical follow-up and monitoring are important to ensure proper growth and development as the condition is managed.

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Just like you would communicate with any other person.

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He promised his wife if there were any ways possible to communicate with her from the dead, he would.

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If your brain is dead you are dead. Because that is the thing sending all the signals for your body to still function. Agreeing to the above statement, you CAN live if you have a working brain stem, however you would be a vegetable state and that is never any fun.

Is there any proof that mediums communicate with the dead?

The only way would be to use elector stimulators on the mediums brain, this will test brain activity. There is no proof to say that mediums officaly communicate with the dead. Even healers are fake, the natural rush of adrenaline within the person being healed is enough to think they have been cured. Furthurmore there are many techniques used by healers to undermind people, the reason they do this is to make money.

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Under the US Constitution, any person charged with a crime has a right to see the evidence and confront his accuser. Clearly that is not possible if the person is dead.

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The charges would not be any different just because the person is dead. Banks charge the same amount irrespective of whether the customer is alive or dead. However, to cash a dead persons check you need the following:A death certificate stating that the person is deadA Legal Will or any document that proves that you are the dead individuals legal heir and you have the right to do soIf you don't have the above 2 documents, the bank will not cash the check of a dead person.

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