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I'm thinking that hand practise is another phrase for masturbation, and then the answer is no - unless it's keping you awake at night - in which case it's the sleeplessness and not the "hand practise" that's causing the eye blackness.

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8mo ago

No, there is no direct link between hand practice (masturbation) and under eye blackness. Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by factors such as genetics, lack of sleep, dehydration, or Allergies. It is important to address the underlying cause through proper sleep, hydration, and skincare routine.

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Is it bad for hand sanitizer to get in a vagina?

Yes, it can cause irritation and imbalance in the vagina's natural flora, leading to discomfort and potential infections. It is not recommended to use hand sanitizer in this way.

Will dropping a dumbbell on your hand while working out break your hand?

It is possible for dropping a heavy dumbbell on your hand to cause a fracture or other injury to your hand. It is important to always use proper form and caution while working out with weights to avoid accidents and injuries.

Why do Asians have better eye hand coordination?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that Asians have inherently better eye-hand coordination. Eye-hand coordination can vary among individuals regardless of their ethnicity, and it is influenced by factors such as genetics, practice, and training. It is important to avoid making generalizations about a specific group of people based on stereotypes.

Can Hand foot and mouth disease transfer to dogs?

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a viral infection that typically affects humans, especially young children. There is no evidence to suggest that it can be transmitted to dogs or other animals. It is important to practice good hygiene such as regular handwashing to prevent the spread of the disease among humans.

What do you call the large bundle of nerve under your armpit?

The large bundle of nerves under your armpit is called the brachial plexus. It is a network of nerves that supplies movement and sensation to the shoulder, arm, and hand.

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Yes this cause extreem weakness in your bones it also cause to week your menat power as well as your eyes as well as it is the cause of sin and you should repent on yourself when you will get married

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