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No, sperm cannot swim on skin and lead to pregnancy. Sperm must enter the vagina and travel to the fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg and result in pregnancy.

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Q: Can sperm swim on skin and potentially lead to pregnancy?
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No, sperm cannot penetrate clothing to reach the skin.

Can pre-sperm survive on your skin?

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How do you apply man sperm on our face for glowing skin?

You don't. Applying sperm to the face does not result in glowing skin.

What is the general shape of a nerve cell How does this shape differ Grimm the shape of a sperm or a skin-?

Sperm and skin comes in different colors and shapes. Sperm and skin come in long elongated and branched at an end.

Can sperm move on skin?

sperm dies when it hits the air so no

Can sperm travel through human skin?

In a controlled environment it will be okay for 4-6 hours. In the vagina sperm can live for 5 days. No sperm does not die immediately after touching skin.