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Yes, some fish can make sounds by using specialized organs such as their swim bladder or by grinding their teeth together. These sounds are often used for communication, mating, or defending territory.

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Q: Can fish make sounds
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Do plants make sounds?

No, plants do not make sounds in the way that animals do. They do not have vocal cords or the ability to produce sounds through vocalization. However, some plants do make sounds through physical processes such as rustling leaves or creaking branches in the wind.

How do fish communicate with each other and can fish communicate using sound or other methods?

Fish communicate with each other using a variety of methods, including visual signals, body language, and chemical signals. Some fish can also produce sounds to communicate, such as grunts, pops, and clicks. These sounds can be used for mating, warning of danger, or establishing territory. Overall, fish have evolved different ways to communicate with each other to survive and thrive in their underwater environment.

Do plants make sounds and if so, how do they produce them?

Plants do not make sounds in the way animals do, as they do not have vocal cords or the ability to create vocalizations. However, some plants can produce sounds through physical movements, such as rustling leaves or creaking branches in the wind. These sounds are caused by the movement of the plant's structures, such as leaves or stems, and are not produced intentionally by the plant.

How does music affect a fish's activity?

Music can influence a fish's activity level and behavior. Some studies suggest that fish may show changes in swimming patterns or feeding behavior in response to different types of music. For example, calming music may help reduce stress levels in fish, while loud or erratic sounds could cause agitation or decreased activity.

How many cells do fish?

99 million

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Does a starfish make any sounds?

I dont think that star fish make any sounds but if they did i wonder wat kind of sounds they make so... i dont think starfish make and soundsI dont think that star fish make any sounds but if they did i wonder wat kind of sounds they make so... i dont think starfish make and sounds

What is the sound of the fish?

fish usually don't talk or make sounds they usually breath water

What is the sound made by fish called?

The sound made by fish is commonly referred to as "croaking" or "grunting." This sound is produced by muscles contracting against their swim bladder.

What sound do fish make?

Fish make all kinds of noises, it just depends on the species. It is often in a lower frequency than humans are able to hear.

Can fish make noise?

Yes, some fish can make noise by using their swim bladders to produce sounds, such as grunts, pops, or drumming.

Does the fang tooth fish make sounds?

It makes a bubbly sound

What kind of noise do fish make?

Fish do not make noise in the same way that mammals or birds do. They do not have vocal cords to produce sounds. However, some fish species can produce sounds by grinding their teeth, rubbing their fins together, or using specialized muscles to create vibrations. These sounds are usually very quiet and not easily heard by humans.

What sounds do sea creatures other than whales make?

Some fish make croaking sounds at the surface. Lol nice. {I'm the chick who asked this.} ^_^ I was bored.

What sound does a fish make?

Fish are typically silent animals and do not make vocalizations like mammals do. They may produce sounds by using their bodies or by interacting with their environment, but these sounds are often not easily detectable by human ears.

What does ghoti mean?

Ghoti = 'fish' gh as in enough o as in women ti as in action The three sounds put together make up the sounds of the word 'fish'. It points out the absudity of English pronunciation!

Do fish make sound?

I have a pet fish and they do make sounds. I once leaned against the glass and heard quite sounds don't worry if you can't hear them. :P They either make, PlopPlopPlop or better yet, BlopBlopBlopBlop

What sounds do puffer fish make?

Puffins make loud growling calls usually from underground which sounds like a muffled chainsaw. The chicks "peep" for food from parents.