No, male cockroaches cannot lay eggs. Only female cockroaches have the ability to lay eggs.
No, cockroaches cannot lay eggs in your skin. They typically lay their eggs in dark, hidden places like cracks and crevices.
Not all cockroaches lay eggs. Some species give birth to live young instead of laying eggs.
Houseflies have a rapid life cycle, typically laying eggs every few days. They are also prolific breeders, with each female capable of laying hundreds of eggs at a time. These factors contribute to them being able to lay several thousand eggs in a year.
No, male flies do not lay eggs. Only female flies have the ability to lay eggs.
cockroaches lay their eggs in rubbish or pits(I am sure of it)
No, cockroaches cannot lay eggs in your skin. They typically lay their eggs in dark, hidden places like cracks and crevices.
No, they lay eggs
Yes, it does DEFIANTLY! cockroaches lay there eggs with hard shells, as it easier for cockroaches to reproduce.. .. HOPE IT HELPS! :) :) :) :)
Yes. The females lay eggs.
Cockroaches apparently DO lay eggs. they lay a very large quantity of eggs per week/month
It is safer as the egg will be left undisturbed.
I suppose they could, especially if they are dead.
Cockroaches have many natural predators. These include toads, frogs, iguanas, beetles, and geckos. Some types of wasps also lay their eggs on cockroach eggs, which then feed on the cockroach eggs.