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No, antibiotics do not have psychoactive effects that can make you feel high.

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Q: Can antibiotics make you feel high?
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Related questions

How do antibiotics make you feel better?

Antibiotics work by killing off the bacteria causing your infection. They only work on bacteria so they don't make you feel better if you have a virus like a cold or flu.

What can you use to make a sore throat feel better?

Drink tea and take antibiotics

How are antibiotics good and bad?

Antibiotics are good to ease the pain your in and also to make you feel calmer. But the bad thing about them is you can get too addicted and this may lead to depression :)

Can antibiotics cause a sensation of feeling high?

No, antibiotics do not cause a sensation of feeling high.

Will large amounts of antibiotics make your hair grow?

No. I was very sick and actually ended up losing my hair due to extended periods of high dose antibiotics.

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It is true that high voltage light directly to eyes, can make someone feel dizzy.

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Will hydrochloride fluoxetine make you feel high?

Fluoxetine is antidepressant drug. It boost up your mood if you are depressed. So that way it lift your mood. But it does not make you feel 'high'.

All 10 days of antibiotics?

Yes! Take all of your antibiotics as prescribed, even if you start to feel better.

Can temazepam make you feel high?

no but it will make you sleepy. don't drive after taking temazepam!

Can a massage release the THC in your body to make you feel high?

No. But the relaxation can remind you of being high