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biochemical conditions is under biosocial trait theories of the trait theory.

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Biochemical conditions are one variable in the bioecological theory, a theoretical framework that emphasizes the dynamic interplay between an individual's Biology and their environment in shaping development.

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Q: Biochemical conditions are one variable in what theory?
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What is test variable?

The dependent variable , which is the one being measured.

What is the purpose of the control group?

The purpose of a control group is to show what would happen under normal conditions. It serves as a comparison to the results you receive from the manipulation of the independent variable on the dependent variable. If a control group is present in an experiment, one can be more certain that the independent variable is really responsible for the observations.

The one factor that differs in a controlled experiment?

In a controlled experiment, the one factor that differs is the independent variable. This is the variable that is deliberately changed or manipulated by the researcher in order to observe its effect on the dependent variable. The goal of a controlled experiment is to isolate the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable while holding all other variables constant.

The variable which is deliberately changed in experiment?

The variable deliberately changed in an experiment is called the independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effects on the dependent variable, which is the outcome or response being measured. By controlling and changing the independent variable, researchers can determine its influence on the dependent variable.

Why is photosynthesis referred as to a biochemical pathway?

Photosynthesis is referred to as a biochemical pathway because it involves a series of chemical reactions that occur within plant cells. These reactions convert light energy into chemical energy stored in the form of glucose. The process is highly regulated and involves multiple steps that are catalyzed by specific enzymes.

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How is zero related to set theory?

Zero is used in set theory because the zero stands alongside a variable which is not set as a constant therefore these constant's can represent more than one symbol or variable.

The factor being measure in an experiment?

The dependent variable is monitored as the independent variable is changed. One is testing the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable (ie effect of dissolved HClO on pH).

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Is it true that A scientific theory is a statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time under certain conditions?

A scientific theory presents an explanation for a phenomenon. Using that explanation, one can then make predictions about what will happen under certain conditions. But the prediction is not the theory, it is a implication of the theory.

Which word goes with this definition procedure conclusion variable or theory What is a factor that changes in an experiment proper procedure calls for testing only one of these at a time?

This is a variable. Vary means change.

The one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is called?

The variable that the experimenter deliberately changes is called the independent variable. The thing you are observing as a result of the different 'values' or 'conditions' of the independent variable is called the dependent variable. If the experiment is well controlled, then you can have some confidence that changes in the dependent variable have come about directly as a result of your changes to the independent variable.

What is a dependent variable in science mean?

Typically in an experiment there will be one or more conditions that are varied while one or more other conditions are monitored and measured. The first type of condition is considered the independent variable, while the second type, the type you measure while varying the first, is called the dependent variable. For example, you might vary the weight of the mass at the bottom a pendulum while measuring the period of the pendulum when it is swung. The weight of the mass is the independent variable while the period is the dependent variable in this case.

What is the theory the synthesis of each enzyme is catalyzed by one specific gene?

The theory you are referring to is the "one gene-one enzyme" hypothesis proposed by Beadle and Tatum in the 1940s. This theory suggested that each gene is responsible for encoding a specific enzyme, which catalyzes a specific biochemical reaction in an organism. Although it has been modified over time, the concept remains fundamental to our understanding of how genes encode proteins and their functions in cells.

What is a dependent variable mean in science fair?

Typically in an experiment there will be one or more conditions that are varied while one or more other conditions are monitored and measured. The first type of condition is considered the independent variable, while the second type, the type you measure while varying the first, is called the dependent variable. For example, you might vary the weight of the mass at the bottom a pendulum while measuring the period of the pendulum when it is swung. The weight of the mass is the independent variable while the period is the dependent variable in this case.

Examples of biochemical evidence of evolution?

Physiological similarities suggest the species evolved from the same ancestor.

What does the responding variable mean in a science experiment?

The responding variable is the one variable that changes as a result of altering the manipulating variables. In an experiment, different conditions of the responding variable can be observed, such as quantity, quality, time, distance and height. Read more: What Does "Responding Variable" Mean? |

What is an example sentence with the word variable?

A fire siren has a variable tone.A fixed variable in a scientific study of humans might be gender or age.Variable weather conditions make it impossible to predict a tornado.