Bacteria can obtain their nutrition by either absorbing nutrients from their environment or by breaking down organic matter through the process of fermentation or decomposition. Some bacteria are also capable of photosynthesis, using sunlight to create energy through chemical reactions.
There are three main types of bacteria based on nutrition: heterotrophic bacteria obtain nutrients from organic compounds, autotrophic bacteria can manufacture their own food using inorganic compounds, and saprophytic bacteria obtain nutrients from decaying organic matter.
Slime molds belong to the group of protists known as heterotrophs, which means they obtain their nutrition by ingesting or absorbing organic compounds from their environment. They often feed on decaying organic matter, bacteria, and other microorganisms.
Animal-like protists are heterotrophic, meaning they obtain their nutrition by ingesting organic matter or other organisms. They can be categorized as parasitic, saprophytic, or predatory depending on how they obtain their food.
Bacteria carry out the seven life processes (movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition) through various cellular mechanisms. For example, they move using flagella or pili, respire by metabolizing nutrients, sense their environment through receptors, grow and reproduce by binary fission, excrete waste products through cell membranes, and obtain nutrition by absorbing nutrients from their surroundings.
No, bacteria do not go through photosynthesis to obtain energy. Instead, they obtain energy through processes such as fermentation or respiration.
There are three main types of bacteria based on nutrition: heterotrophic bacteria obtain nutrients from organic compounds, autotrophic bacteria can manufacture their own food using inorganic compounds, and saprophytic bacteria obtain nutrients from decaying organic matter.
when they double intially they are little smaller in size but gradually obtain the nutrition and gain their original size.
mode of the nutrition of mucor
the chlorophyll
They grow on another plant so that they can obtain the nutrition from that plant. They are known as parasitic plants.
Zooflagellates obtain nutrition just like animals do. They are heterotrophic meaning they have to consume organic substrates for sustenance. Word origin: Greek, heterone = (an)other + trophe = nutrition.
from host plant
If you are interested in getting into an online school for nutrition, you can go to They will help you obtain a degree in nutrition.
Bacteria that invade a host organism and obtain nutrients from the host's cell are pathegonic bacteria.
Nutrition is the process of taking in food by a living being for growth of the body, repair of worn out tissues and to obtain energy. Nutrition is important because :- It repairs worn out tissues It helps us to obtain energy It grows the
Slime molds belong to the group of protists known as heterotrophs, which means they obtain their nutrition by ingesting or absorbing organic compounds from their environment. They often feed on decaying organic matter, bacteria, and other microorganisms.