Oh, dude, there are way more plants on this planet than animals. Like, plants are just chilling everywhere, soaking up the sun and photosynthesizing like it's no big deal. Animals are cool and all, but they've got nothing on the sheer number of plants out there.
Ah, what a lovely question! You see, there are more plants on our beautiful planet than animals. Plants cover vast areas of land and play a crucial role in providing oxygen, food, and habitats for animals to thrive. Just like in our paintings, both plants and animals work together in harmony to create a balanced and wondrous ecosystem.
There are significantly more plant species than animal species on Earth. Estimates suggest there are around 390,000 plant species compared to about 8.7 million animal species. However, in terms of biomass, animals outweigh plants due to their larger size and higher energy requirements.
Short Answer:
For most common meanings of the word fossil (mineralized remains of an organism), that the number of macroscopic (meaning large enough to see) fossils of animals far exceeds the number of macroscopic plant fossils.
Its complicated:
There is no easy way to count the number of plant or animal fossils or to compare their number. Attempting to compare the two requires a more specific criterion.
There is no doubt that the number of large fossils of animals is much greater than the number of large fossils of plants. The process for preserving bones is more likely to result in a bone fossil than the process for preserving a leaf. A seashell is more likely to be preserved than kelp.
For more discussion, see related questions.
possibly, different animals have different chromosome numbers, as do plants... so the chances are that yes there will be some plants that have the same amount of chromosomes as certain animals have... but they could never combine or cross with each other
Plants can survive without animals because they can produce their own food through photosynthesis, while animals rely on plants for food. Animals cannot survive without plants because they either directly eat plants for sustenance or rely on animals that do. The interconnectedness of the food chain makes plants essential for the survival of most animals.
Both plants and animals have varying nutritional needs. Plants require nutrients like water, sunlight, and soil minerals to grow, while animals need a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to thrive. Each is essential in its own way within the food chain.
Plants evolved before animals.
there is more animals because the plants are animals.
Plants may be condsidered as animals, but animals are more plentiful in ocean than anywhere else.
rain forests have animals because there are no droughts, and the plants grow more so most animals have something to eat. and the more animals that are attracted to plants there are gonna be more animals attracted to the animals that eat the plants. so more animals come to the rain forest and therefore there are animals there. its the cycle of life.
obviously more plants
More plants and animals live n the land then in the sea.
you get many things from plants and animals. from plants you get oxygen,fibers,food,paper,etc. from animals you get meat,fibers,more plants (by their dispersion.)
Hybrids are more common in plants .
So the animals that eat plants can eat plants and won't run out.