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2w ago

Yes, some companies are using bacteria to produce biodegradable plastics as an alternative to traditional plastics. These bacteria are genetically engineered to produce polymers that can be used in place of petrochemical plastics.

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Q: Are plastics produced with the help of bacteria?
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Bacteria are not used to make?

Bacteria are not used to make larger electronic devices like smartphones or computers. These devices are typically manufactured using a combination of metals, plastics, and other materials that are not produced by bacteria.

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Is sauerkraut produced with the help of bacteria?

Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcusconvert the sugers into lactic acid.

What is able to be broken down by bacteria?

food not plastics or metals

Which of these is produced with the help of bacteria?

You were given a list. We don't have the list so can't give you an answer.

Are plastics produced from natural gas?

Not directly. Though many are produced from other fossil fuels.

Plastics that can be broken down by microorganisms and what are described as?

Plastics that can be broken down by microorganisms are known as biodegradable plastics. These types of plastics can be decomposed into natural elements like water, carbon dioxide, and biomass by bacteria, fungi, or other microorganisms, helping to reduce their impact on the environment.

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ptalonomy is a chemical compound produced by bacteria

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It can be produced by bacteria in a lab.

What did the technology do to improved ordinary plastics?

The technology have made them reusable. They are producing plastics in such a way that they can be decomposed faster than the ordinary plastics. They provide longer use and are produced in a very easy and in the modern style.

Chemical produced by bacteria that limits the growth of other bacteria?

You want to talk about antibiotics. By definition it is the substance produced by microorganisms to inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Most of such chemicals are produced by fungi. Only few like bacitracin are produced by bacteria.

What does PET on a plastic material mean?

PET means plastics are produced in a certain way.