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My horse is currently at the CSU vet hospital with colic. The only thing weird we could think of was that he eats Russian Olive Trees.. he seems to love them. He has been doing so for close to a decade. They consulted with their plant expert ("guru" they called him) and he said he has seen Russian Olive cause impactions, but it is rare and probably wasn't what was causing my horse's illness.

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8mo ago

Yes, Russian olive trees are toxic to horses if ingested. The leaves and stems of the tree contain toxins that can cause symptoms like colic, diarrhea, and potentially more serious health issues in horses. It is important to prevent horses from accessing or consuming any parts of the Russian olive tree.

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11y ago

My horse loves it. When she ate some as I was pruning trails, I called the vet to ask. He said it was mildly toxic; too much can cause intestinal distress/colic to horses that react to it. Though I dont think there is a need to rush your horse to the vet when they eat it. My vet told me to wait for an hour and watch for signs of colic. My mare was fine. She was her witchy self and tried to kill a dog an hour later. Best not to let them eat it though. Better to be safe than sorry.

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Q: Are Russian olive trees toxic to horses if ingested?
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