If a boy and a girl are twins, they are known as fraternal twins. Fraternal twins result from the fertilization of two separate eggs by two separate sperm cells, whereas identical twins result from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm cell that later splits into two embryos.
They can be. While identical twins always have to be the same gender, fraternal twins usually are not. However this is not always the case. Identical twins occur because they inhabit the same egg. Fraternal twins because two eggs were fertilized at the same time. So fraternal twins could be the same gender, but usually they are of the opposite gender.
It is relatively uncommon for twins to consist of one boy and one girl, occurring in about 1 out of every 50 twin births.
No, unless they are Identical Twins. Normal siblings will on average share 50 percent of their genetic material, since they get half of their chromosomes from their mother and half from their father.
A girl is biologically female due to the presence of two X chromosomes, while a boy is biologically male due to having one X and one Y chromosome. These chromosomes determine the development of sex characteristics in individuals.
If a boy and a girl are twins, they are known as fraternal twins. Fraternal twins result from the fertilization of two separate eggs by two separate sperm cells, whereas identical twins result from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm cell that later splits into two embryos.
because fraternal twins (non-identical) are just like any other siblings. Their genders have no connection with each other.
He has fraternal twins. Boy and girl. :)
Different gender twins will automatically be fraternal, meaning they are both from separate eggs and separate sperm. Identical twins are formed from the splitting of one fertilized egg.
they are fraternal twins because they do not have the same dna
Yes, conjoined twins can be different genders if they develop from fertilized eggs that did not fully separate during early development. This rare occurrence is known as dizygotic (fraternal) conjoined twins.
No. In order for them to be identical they needed to start off as the same cell and divide so at first their DNA is identical meaning they have the same sex. During development slight changes may occur but the sex always stays the same. Boy-girl twins are always two different cells meaning that they are not identical. The term for boy-girl twins is furturnal. You can however have boy-boy twins and girl-girl twins that are not identical and they are also called furternal. So basically, identical twins start off as one cell that divides and furternal are two individual cells. There is polar body twinning, that's when the egg splits before fertilization, and that can cause a male and a female. This is called semi identical twins or half twins. They share 75% of their genetic markers.
They can be either but are always Gender-Bound, Two boys or Two girls, a Boy and a Girl, born Siamese is impossible, as they are identical twins, not fraternal and normally ( Take their Gender) to a man- or woman as it were.
boy, girl and simese twins Siamese twins are now properly called conjoined twins. You can have identical twins[ same sex] , fraternal twins [ one male , one female ]. triplets, same way, quadruplets, quintuplists , sextuplets and so on , with fertility drugs.
Twins from different eggs are fraternal twins. They are siblings with the same birthdate. They are twins, but not identical, and can even be girl and boy. It is the same process taking place as a single child that a woman becomes pregnant with, but the process happens with two children at the same time. The woman releases two eggs that month instead of one, and they both are fertilized. That is how this type of twin is produced.
Fraternal twins result from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm. Because of this, they can have different gender combinations such as a boy and a girl. In contrast, identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos, resulting in twins of the same sex.