Bacteria would evolve faster than humans due to their shorter generation times and larger population sizes, allowing for quicker adaptation to environmental changes and mutations to occur. Humans have longer generation times and smaller population sizes, slowing down the rate of evolution.
Rats have more bones in their spine and tail compared to humans, which have fewer due to the lack of a tail. Rats also have elongated skulls and jaw structures that differ from humans. Overall, rats have smaller and more delicate bones compared to humans.
Orcas are faster than dolphins in the water.
0.8 kph is faster than 0.75 kph.
Cats are generally faster than dogs in terms of running speed.
Yes, rats are much faster than humans when it comes to running. Rats are agile and can reach speeds of up to 8 miles per hour, while the average human running speed is around 6-8 miles per hour.
I think there are more rats in the world than humans.
Yes, tigers are faster than humans.
No, penguins are not faster walkers than humans. Penguins waddle on land and are adapted for swimming rather than walking quickly. Humans can typically move at a faster pace than penguins on land.
kind of because mouses are small so humans are a little faster than mice
about a year faster
rats or vermin
Probably not