The vacuole of a plant holds the cell's food, water and waste products. Thus, it could be compared to a refrigerator, trash receptacle or garbage disposal.
A vacuole in a plant cell is like a storage container in a kitchen, storing nutrients and waste products. Just as a kitchen has various compartments for organizing ingredients and tools, vacuoles help compartmentalize substances within the cell. Additionally, both a vacuole and a kitchen storage system play a crucial role in maintaining order and functionality within their respective environments.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
Cell sap is found in the central vacuole of plant cells. The central vacuole is a large organelle that stores water, nutrients, and waste products. It helps maintain turgor pressure and regulate cell functions.
The central vacuole occupies a large portion of the volume in a plant cell. It is responsible for maintaining turgor pressure, storing nutrients, and regulating cell size.
A plant cell has a larger vacuole than animal cell. The plant cell needs to store more water for photosyheteis and to keep the rigidy of the cell wall. That's why plants wilt when they don't get enough water.
The vacuole in a plant cell is the same as in an animal cell, it is used as storage.
A Vacuole can be called a "store-room" more than a kitchen. Because, the main task of the vacuole is to store water and minerals and all the essential nutrients of a plant. So even kitchen isn't wrong.
The plant cell has a vacuole.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
A vacuole stores materials in the cell.
Plant cell vacuole is larger then animal cell vacuole
in plant cell
Organs: Kitchen of plant - plastids Storage organ - vacuole Brain - nucleus
The vacuole is only in the plant cell.
The vacuole is in fact only in the plant cell.
Vacuole is located within the cell. It is found in plant cell but little or no vacuole is found in animal cell