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True. A lineage group consists of individuals who trace their ancestry back to a common progenitor. All members of the lineage group are believed to be descendants of this shared ancestor.

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Q: All of the members of a lineage group could claim to be descended from a common ancestor true or false?
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What is the difference between relatedness and descendancy?

Relatedness refers to how individuals are connected through a common ancestor or genetic similarity, while descendancy specifically refers to the lineage or ancestry from which an individual is directly descended. Relatedness can encompass a broader network of connections, whereas descendancy focuses on a specific lineage of direct ancestry.

What does it mean if species are said to have common ancestor?

If species are said to have a common ancestor, it means they are believed to have descended from a single, shared ancestor species in the past. This indicates that despite differences observed in the species today, they share a genetic and evolutionary heritage that links them back to a common origin.

Where the first man came from according to science?

According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, the first humans originated from a common ancestor shared with other primates, such as chimpanzees and gorillas. Over millions of years of evolutionary changes, this common ancestor gradually gave rise to the first hominins, which eventually evolved into the earliest members of the Homo genus, from which modern humans descended.

What does the main trunk at the bottom of a phylogenetic tree represent?

The main trunk at the bottom of a phylogenetic tree represents the common ancestor from which all the species or groups included in the tree descended. It is the starting point from which the branches representing different species or groups diverge.

The fact that all organisms have DNA as their genetic material is evidence that?

all organisms share a common evolutionary ancestry. The universal presence of DNA suggests a common genetic code that has been inherited from a common ancestor. This supports the theory of evolution and the idea that all living things are connected through a shared genetic history.

Related questions

What is the word for a group of lineages?

The term meaning "a group of lineages" is a clan. A lineage is a group of families descended form a common ancestor.

What is an apical ancestor?

An apical ancestor is the most recent common ancestor of a group of species in a phylogenetic tree. It represents the point where the evolutionary lineage leading to a group of species splits from the rest of the tree.

What is the name for groups of families with a common ancestor?

The name for groups of families with a common ancestor is a clan or a lineage.

What does the principle of common descent imply about humans?

Apes and humans descended from the same common ancestor.

Do people dissect chimpanzees?

We are not directly descended from chimpanzees, we share a common ancestor.

Which kingdom is monophyletic?

The animal kingdom is considered monophyletic, meaning that all animals share a common ancestor and are descended from a single evolutionary lineage. This is supported by genetic and morphological evidence that shows the similarities in their characteristics and evolutionary history.

Why do plant and animal cells have common features?

Because way in the past they are descended form a common ancestor.

Why do plants and animals cells have features in common?

Because way in the past they are descended form a common ancestor.

What forelimb of a bird and forelimb of a mammal descended from a common ancestor this similarity is an example of?


What does a phylogenetic tree have in common with a cladogram?

Both a phylogenetic tree and a cladogram are diagrams used in evolutionary biology to show the relationships between different species or groups of organisms based on their common ancestry. They both illustrate the branching patterns of evolutionary relationships but differ in the way they represent the amount of evolutionary change that occurred.

Why do plants and animal cells have many features in common?

Because way in the past they are descended form a common ancestor.

What explains the distribution of finch species on the Galapagos Islands?

They had descended with modification from a common mainland ancestor.