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If you're trying to say you only pee small amonts, that could signal a bladder problem where you cannot hold urine in. If you're trying to say a little comes out after you pee, then that's normal. It just means that you didn't pass all of the urine out of your bladder when you went to the bathroom and that your muscles are not strong enough to hold it in until the enxt time you go to the bathroom. There are exercises that can strngthen these muscles a little, but if it is not a huge problem, then either wear a panty-liner or try to make sure that you pass all of the urine while going to the bathroom.

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7mo ago

This is usually due to residual urine in the urethra that is released after peeing. It's common and not usually a cause for concern. To reduce this, you can try leaning forward or gently squeezing the area behind the scrotum to help empty the urethra.

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