If you're trying to say you only pee small amonts, that could signal a bladder problem where you cannot hold urine in. If you're trying to say a little comes out after you pee, then that's normal. It just means that you didn't pass all of the urine out of your bladder when you went to the bathroom and that your muscles are not strong enough to hold it in until the enxt time you go to the bathroom. There are exercises that can strngthen these muscles a little, but if it is not a huge problem, then either wear a panty-liner or try to make sure that you pass all of the urine while going to the bathroom.
The word "microscope" comes from the Greek words "mikros" meaning small and "skopein" meaning to look at or examine.
Pairs come in groups of two, such as shoes, gloves, or eyes.
The shape of a drop of water and a drop of isopropyl alcohol on wax paper will likely be different due to differences in surface tension and polarity between the two liquids. Water typically forms a more rounded shape with a higher contact angle, while isopropyl alcohol spreads out more easily due to its lower surface tension.
No, a drop of blood in urine is not considered the first day of your period. Menstrual blood flows out of the vagina, not through urine. If you see blood in your urine, it may be a sign of another issue and you should consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.
A hanging-drop preparation is used in microbiology to observe the motility of microorganisms. By placing a drop of liquid culture on a coverslip inverted over a concave slide, the microorganisms are suspended in a hanging drop of liquid, allowing for easy observation under a microscope.
pooping and peeing
me and you in the toilet!!
yes, you go to the nearset point of relief then two clucb lengths no closer to the hole then drop the ball
You drop it once, if it comes to rest on the path, you drop it again, on the second drop if it comes to rest on the path you place it where the ball touched the grass first on the second drop.
No the blood doesn't come all the time all at once. And it comes out of the vagina, not the urethra.
logan kissing conrad logan peeing on conrad
You will not die from peeing on yourself.
I was peeing on that bear over there.
Rain is sometimes both.But not at the same time.
light rain
Urine comes from your urethra, not your vagina - menstruation comes from the vagina. If you are peeing blood then you have a urinary tract or bladder infection so should seek immediate medical attention.
peristaltic action