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Vestigial structures. Like the appendix in humans.

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3w ago

That body part is often referred to as a vestigial structure. These are remnants of organs or structures that had a function in the organism's evolutionary past, but have reduced in size or lost their function over time. Examples include the human appendix and tailbone.

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Q: A body part which is reduced in size and seems to have no function is called what?
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A body part which is reduced in size and seems to have no function is called?

A body part that is reduced in size and seems to have no function is typically referred to as a vestigial organ or structure. These may be remnants of evolutionary adaptations that are no longer needed in current organisms. An example in humans is the appendix.

What is A body part which is reduced in size and seems to have no function is called?

Vestigial structures. Like the appendix in humans.

What systems are affected by reduced lung function?

All of them! Reduced lung function reduces the amount of oxygen in the entire body.

What is the study of the body function called?

The study of the normal body function is called physiology.

What is the term for body parts that are reduced in size with no apparent function?

Body parts that are reduced in size with no apparent function would be vestigial limbs. Evolution could be at the root of the development of vestigial limbs. A good example would be a T-Rex with his tiny arms.

Identify the body system that controls lung function and what other systems are affected by reduced lung function?

The respiratory system controls lung function. Reduced lung function can affect the cardiovascular system by reducing oxygen delivery to tissues, the immune system by increasing susceptibility to infections, and the musculoskeletal system by limiting physical activity due to decreased oxygen supply.

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Homologous structure that is greatly reduced in size is called?

A homologous structure that is greatly reduced in size is known as a vestigial structure. These structures are remnants of organs or body parts that had a function in ancestors but are no longer used in modern organisms. Examples include the human appendix and the hip bones in whales.

What is a body function called?

A body function is referred to as a physiological process or function. It encompasses all the activities that occur within the body to maintain homeostasis and support life, such as digestion, respiration, and circulation.

What is a function of the skin which allows substances to be removed from the body?

A function of the skin which helps to remove substances from the body is called perspiration, or sweat.

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function calling stands for the function consists of semicolean but the called function is refers to the body of the function.