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The barbell is a bit too long, but that's due to the swelling. Once the swelling is gone (about 2 weeks) go back and get a shorter barbell, this will relieve the discomfort under your tongue.

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Q: You got your tongue pierced 4 days ago and the bottom of your tongue is sore is that normal?
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What does it mean if your tongue is still swallon a few days after you go your tongue pierced Like mine is still swallon but I can talk normally now?

It usually takes 10 - 14 days for the swelling to go down after you get it pierced, so if your tongue is still swollen after a few days that can be normal.

Is it normall after having your tongue pierced for it to be white?

Yes it's normal discharge and will go away in a couple of days.

Why does my tongue have a big red mark at the tip is that normal I got my tongue pierced 2 days ago?

Well you may want to have a chat with your piercer and ask that is up, that doesn't sound right to me.

Why do you have whiteyellow stuff on your tongue 5 days after your piercing?

That is the normal discharge that occurs from tongue piercing, just like ear piercing discharges after they have been pierced and are healing the tongue does the same sort of thing. That will disappear is a couple of days, just be sure you are rinsing and keeping cold stuff on the piercing as often as possible.

How long after you get your tongue pierced is it safe to switch the ring?

2 weeks (14 days)

Is puss normal after you get your tongue pierced?

yh don't worry about it i got ym tongue pierced about a month ago and the first 10 days i had puss coming out but don't worry because when you get your downsize it stops. k. ________________________________ i got mine done todayy and it didnt hurt. but now it does. but it didnt puss. but ayee. i just got it pierced like 2 or 3 hours agooo. (:

You got your lip pierced days ago and you keep playing with it with your tongue and its a bit red around the piercing should you be alarmed?

No, that's normal. Once it's completely healed, it won't do that anymore.

I got my tongue pierced 5 days ago and I thought it was healing well with normal swelling and soreness but I noticed a small white bump in the front of my piercing. Is this scar tissue?

That is the tongues version of a scab and it will go away in a few days.

Should your throat be sore after having your tongue pierced?

Rinsing with salt water however, its sounds as though you may have an infection which would require meds from your doctor. Yes it is normal. It will last for a couple of days.

How many days do you talk funny after getting your tongue pierced?

i got mine down in december. & you talk normal, it's just kinda hard to eat the first week but you manage. eat alot of ice.

Will i have a lisp after i have my tongue pierced?

Yes! I got mine pierced yesterday for the second time and i have a slight lisp nothing major though, the first time i got my tongue pierced the lisp lasted about 3 days till the swelling went down and my mouth adjusted to having a bar in it..hope this helps :)

What does it mean if you had your tongue pierced a few days ago but sometimes when you move your tongue a certain way you get a really bad pain through your tongue?

It's probably because you just got your tongue pierced a few days ago. It is still healing. It'll take a week for the initial swelling and pain to subside, and a little longer for the wound to fully heal. Try not to play with it and swish it around too much.