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They might. Theres no way to determine that. Some piercers wont pierce through scar tissue so they might mention it.

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Q: Would a professional belly button piercer mention my scar of my prievious piercing My parents dont know I had my belly button pireced before?
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How can you get your ears pierced without your parents knowing?

Don't lie about your health, ask your parents. No professional body piercing studio will pierce any minor without parental consent and proof of I.D.

How do you get your parents to say yes to a piercing?

I would start with an honest discussion about why your parents don't want you to have a piercing and why you do. Your parents may have legitimate concerns that you need to consider - what is the risk of infection with this piercing? Will this affect your future employment options (many professional and business positions have a conservative dress code and gauge earholes, eyebrow and lip piercings are not acceptable)? Does this go against their religious, moral or social principles? Are you mature and responsible enough to take care of a piercing? However, long story short, if your parents don't want you to have a piercing, you need to wait until you are 18 and they don't have to give their permission.

Where can a minor get an industrial piercing?

Any piercing shop with parents concent.

How Old Do you have to be to get a lip piercing with your parents?

13 && up in many tattoo&Piercing shop

How to pierce your lip with a needle without it hurting and without your parents knowing?

What you need to to is search "MRSA", then you need to know that your parents will find out and that you can't make the piercing "not hurt". Your chances of getting a serious life threatening infection out weigh the benefits of sneaking a piercing past your parents. There will be swelling which will last for several days, then there's the case of the obvious jewellery in your lip. Check the related link below and learn something from some one else's "brilliant idea". Leave body piercing to professional body piercers who have the training and knowledge to perform piercings safely and correctly. If you wish to get anything pierced, go to a licensed and reputable piercing studio, then get it done by a professional who knows what they are doing.

How old do you have to be to get snake bites with your parents in North Carolina?

Contact your local health unit they will advise you about age requirements and locations that provide professional body piercing services in your area.

How can you get a piercing without your parents knowing?

You cant get a piercing without parental permission unless your 18 or older

How old can you be for a body piercing?

You have to be at least 14 with a parents signature as well as yours where ever you get the piercing done.

How do you tell your parents you want a piercing?

ask them how they feel about piercings before you start to ask about you getting a piercing done

Is there any piercing shops in Toronto that would do a eyebrow piercing on a 13 year old?

Any body piercing studio will do the piercing for you but you will need your parents to go and sign the consent forms before you can get it done.

How old do you have to be to get an industrial piercing?

10 and older..... if your parents allow it..

When can you get a piercing in NY state without parents permission?