To get to the other side.
no it does not have any side effect.
Hoodia is a great herb for weight loss. It also has little to no side effect issues, making it a great choice for those wanting to lose weight.
You don't actually lose weight, you lose you appetite as one of the side effects which can lead to the loss of weight. But it is not healthy whatsoever to take if you plan on losing weight. There is no such drug that you can take that will make you lose weight, the best weight is through deit and excecise.
It depends on how much weight you gain during your pregnancy.
your skin will stretch and so will the tattoo, in some cases once the baby is delivered and you loose wait, the tattoo will look normal again
Green coffee extract has been found to help people lose weight with no side effects. Prescription diet pills can have some side effects and are designed to be used only short term.
Topamax (topiramate) is not intended for weight loss. The side effects can be severe.
Lexapro is an anti-anxiety medication. It is suppose to make you gain weight, not lose weight. Also, I wouldn't take a psychiatric medication. It has too many side effects.
You lose a lot of money instead of weight.
It depends on how big you are, let's say your in the more heafty side you tend to lose more weight faster but as you get small it tends to go down.