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It is very important to where sunscreen on any part of your body to be shown on a sunny day. If you don't, there is a possibility to get Skin Cancer. It starts off with a mole. If its discolored, rigidy around the edges, or as big as the eraser part of a pencil, contact a doctor Right away. If its perfectly round and small, you're fine. The most popular spots for moles to be found are on the lower leg for women and the back for men. It could be other places. If its round and discolored, you should still see a doctor but there's a 10% chance you'll get cancer. When you get out of the shower, use body length mirror and check yourself thoroughly Places like your back, neck, legs, private areas and especially your head.

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2 protect our skin daa

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Q: Why you should use sunscreen?
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You should use sunscreen that has a sun protection factor of at least what?

the answer is 15

Can you sunbathe with shingles?

It should make no difference. Use a sunscreen as you usually do.

What should you do whenever your out in the sun?

Avoid the sun when it is strong, cover up your body, and use high-factor sunscreen

What is the difference between childrens sunscreen, and regular sunscreen?

Adults with sensitive skin should pick up baby sunscreen. Formulated with titanium or zinc oxide, this gentle lotion or cream protects the skin without causing irritation. You can find more info on sunscreen in this article:

Should I bring sunscreen to the Barbados Resorts?

You should bring sunscreen to the Barbados Resorts. Barbados can be very sunny and if you are outside for a long time, you can get sunburned. To protect yourself wear sunscreen.

What is the best sun cream for 21 years old girl?

A 21 year old girl, or anyone, should use a sunscreen that has a SPF of at least 15. The sunscreen should contain an ultraviolet ray blocker, sunscreen, and moisturizer. The brand does not matter because they all have the same ingredients. Coppertone is a brand that has a good reputation.

What SPF sunscreen you should use to exercise outside?

If you are exercising, it would be best to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply at least every two hours or after sweating.

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How do you get permanent marker off of the face?

Use sunscreen is what ive been told just rub it in like you would when you use sunscreen

Does it matter when you put on sunscreen?

You should put sunscreen on at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. :)

Why should I use natural sunscreen?

Sometimes the chemicals used in non-natural sunscreens can be dangerous or cause irritation. When applied to the skin these chemicals become absorbed over time, potentially causing harmful physical effects. Natural sunscreen avoids such chemicals. However always remember that any sunscreen (natural or otherwise) is better than no sunscreen.