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That will depend. If it was recently pierced, then that may be because the swelling has gone down. But if you've noticed the skin getting thinner and thinner, it may be that your piercing is migration, which means that as it heals, the body is pushing it outwards. In that case you may need to have it checked to prevent it going on until the piercing falls out.

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Q: Why is there so little skin in between your navel piercing?
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Does navel shape actually affect whether or not a piercing would be ejected over time?

Actually, it is more a problem of how much skin is available in the piercing area, and how thick that skin is. Thin skin is more likely to allow the piercing to eject. Check with a licensed body piercer and let them assess your navel skin where the piercing would be.

What is a navel peircing?

This means you are piercing your navel .. navel is the phrase for the area above the actual belly button** ( **other wise known as the umbilical knot)

You are affraid that the part of skin between two holes of your navel piercing is too smallIs it possible to fall out?

Yes, it can migrate out. It depends on your skins tolerance.

How do you know when your navel piercing gets stuck to the skin?

That doesn't make any sense... I can't imagine how the jewelry can get stuck to your skin

How do you know if your over cleaning your navel piercing?

The skin around it will be dry and it'll take longer to heal.

Would New-Skin Liquid Band-Aid cover up a Navel Piercing to where it almost looking like you never had the piercing there in the first place?

if you do it right

Why would a navel piercing gradually tear through?

This Is Called, Growing Out Or Rejecting. This Can Happen To Any Person That Gets A Navel Piercing. It Can Affect Younger People Because As You Grow, The Piercing Can Gradually Be Pushed To The Suface Of Skin, And You Will Have To Take It Out. But If This Does Happen You Can Get It Repierced, You Just have To Let It Heal First. x

Is it normal to be able to feel the bar bell of your navel piercing through the skin when you run your finger across it or does that mean it is migrating?

Feeling the barbell of your navel piercing through the skin when you run your finger across it can be normal, especially during the healing process. However, if you notice any signs of migration such as the jewelry moving or skin thinning around the piercing, it's recommended to consult with a professional piercer to assess the situation.

What happens if with your navel piercing has too much skin in which you cant fit a barbel in it?

Lose some weight? Buy a smaller Barbell?

When someone get their navel pierced do the people take out a chunk of skin?

No. Piercing simply displaces the skin, just moves it over. Dermal punches are what actually removes the tissue.

How long do you have to wait to go tanning after navel piercing?

It is best to wait 1 month after getting any piercing to go tanning. Tanning affects the texture of your skin and virtually dries it out. With a fresh piercing, this can be highly irritating.

Is it bad to get your belly button pierced if your super skinny?

Not at all, if you have the right body for it. The only reason a navel piercing would be "bad" is if you have a body that interferes with the healing process. To see if your body is suited for a navel piercing, you should:Sit down in a chair or at your bedside, in a relaxed positionLook to see if your belly button gets tucked under your skin (most girls thing these rolls of skin are "fat," but anyone can have this effect, no matter what they weigh)If your belly button tucks under, your body is probably not fit for a navel piercing.Another way to check is to see if you have a horizontal dent/line that goes across your abdomen (naturally or when sitting). If so, then your body is probably not a good candidate for a navel piercing.