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Girdle is a belt worn around the waist; Aphrodite, goddess of desire and love making, loosened the girdle and blessed love making.

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Q: Why is Aphrodites symbol the girdle?
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Whats aphrodites symbol?

There are several symbols used to represent the goddess Aphrodite. Some of the more common are her girdle, the scalloped sea shell, and a mirror.

What are Aphrodites strength?

Aphrodite's strengths is her magical girdle of love. Which makes anyone desire ( Love ) her.

What is St.Monica's symbol?

girdle and crying tears

What is a girdle in greek and roman mythology?

The only girdle I know of what Hippolyta's Girdle. A girdle then is the same as a girdle now, they just serve different purposes. A girdle is a wide sash or belt worn at the waist. For Hippolyta, it was her symbol of authority.

What is Saint Monica's symbol?

She is usually shown crying, tears. Or holding a girdle, since she's a symbol of housewifes. Also in blue for fertility.

What symbol is used for Saint Monica?

Saint Monica is sometimes represented by:cincture girdle tears

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When was Young Aphrodites created?

Young Aphrodites was created in 1963.

Why does Gawain refuse to give the host the girdle when the lord returns after the third hunt?

Gawain refuses to give the girdle to the host because he has promised to keep it as a symbolic reminder of his mistake and to learn from it. The girdle represents his failure to uphold his end of the bargain with the host, and he chooses to keep it as a symbol of humility and penance.

What is Aphrodites symbol?

Aphrodite only has one symbol and that is the silver bow

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Aphrodites Nacht - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:o.Al.

What is the significance of the girdle in Greek mythology?

In Greek mythology, the girdle holds symbolic significance as a powerful object that represents authority and control. It is often associated with goddesses such as Hera and Aphrodite, signifying their divine status and influence over mortal beings. The girdle is a symbol of femininity, beauty, and strength, highlighting the importance of these qualities in Greek society and mythology.