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The style of hair pins (not to be confused with hairpin, another style of coiffure pin) known as bobby pins in the US are called so after the trademarked name they were originally marketed under, now out of trademark. As the company is called Bob Lépine, it's safe to say the name comes from the company name (probably the founder of the company).

From Wikipedia - "A trademark on the term "bobby pin" was held for some decades by Bob Lépine Corporation of Buffalo, New York."

Similarly, the British name for the same article is "kirby grip," and is derived from the trademarkKirbigrip, used by a Birmingham manufacturer of such pins, Kirby, Beard & Co. Ltd.

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Q: Why hair pins are called bobby pins?
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Related questions

How do you use bobby pins?

Bobby pins are great for thick to medium hair. They will fall right out of thin hair. You use bobby pins by just taking a piece of good sized hair and slipping in the bobby pin. The style today is to take a bit of hair from the front and to pull it back. Then you slip in the bobby pink in the middle of your hair line. :)

Name something women put in their hair?

bobby pins

How do you use pin?

Bobby pins are great for thick to medium hair. They will fall right out of thin hair. You use bobby pins by just taking a piece of good sized hair and slipping in the bobby pin. The style today is to take a bit of hair from the front and to pull it back. Then you slip in the bobby pink in the middle of your hair line. :)

How do you put bobby pins in your hair?

get the pi part and put it threw a knot in your hair.

Is it safe to put bobby pins in an American Girl Doll's hair?


What can you use to secure a tiara to your head?

To secure a tiara to your head you can use bobby pins. Make sure the bobby pins are the same color as hair and securely in hair without being painful. Hairspray can also help the tiara from slipping.

Can you crimp your hair with bobby pins?

yeah just take a bobby pin and open it so its in the v shape.then weave your hair throught it and put a straightner on it for like 2 seconds and then take the bobby pin out

Where do you get multi colored bobby pins like pink and green?

a hair shop or craft store

How do you keep your hair from getting in your eyes while playing soccer?

Pull your hair back the best you can, use bobby pins and lots of hair spray.

How do you make your hair wavy with out heat?

you can get about 4-3 section of your hair then twist it and put it in a spiral circle thing over night with bobby pins and hair bands.

How can you tie the ends of braids into a knot without an elastic?

Use a hair tie ( a hair tie is and elastic silly.) Stick a couple bobby pins in it.

Why do bobby pins rust?

Bobby pins are typically made of metal, with iron being a common component. When exposed to moisture or high humidity, the iron in bobby pins can oxidize and form rust. This is why bobby pins can rust if not stored properly or exposed to wet conditions.