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from the valley of ashes because he lives there

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Q: Why does white ashen dust veil mr wilsons dark suit and his pale hair?
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Cleaning Black Blinds?

Black or dark blinds actually hide dust more than white blinds. White blinds show every little spec of dirt and because dust tends to get dark over time, white blinds get dingy looking.

What are white dust like parasites seen only in dark with flashlight?

The white dust-like parasites that are visible in the dark with a flashlight are likely springtails. Springtails are small, wingless insects that thrive in dark, damp environments. They are mostly harmless and can be found in various indoor and outdoor habitats, such as soil, leaf litter, and decaying matter.

What is the name of Dark areas of gas and dust between the arms of a spiral galaxy?

Interstellar dust

Why is it really dark in the dust storm?

The dust prevents most of the sunlight from going through.Source: Experience

What is the dark dust that composes the rings of planet Uranus?

Black dust particles and large rocks

Would a black ceiling fan show a lot more dust than the typical white ceiling fan?

Yes, a black ceiling fan would show more dust compared to a white ceiling fan because dust particles would be more visible against the dark background. Regular dusting and cleaning can help maintain the appearance of the fan regardless of its color.

How are star dust gas and dark matter related?

There is no consensus on what dark matter or dark energy is so we cannot tell at this time.

Do dark dust clouds radiate mainly in the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Dark dust clouds primarily absorb and scatter visible light, hence appearing dark to us. They do not radiate strongly in the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What was it like in an Anderson shelter?

I was very dark and dust and very scary

Are nimbostatus clouds dark?

yes because there are alot of dust particals in it

Why dark colours attract dust?

Dark colors attract dust because they absorb more light, making them warmer than lighter colors. As dust particles move around, they are more likely to be attracted to warmer surfaces like dark colors due to thermal air currents and static electricity. This makes dark-colored surfaces appear dustier compared to lighter colors.

What was the name of the very dark animated BBC comedy series of a few years back?

The name of the dark animated BBC comedy series from a few years back is "Monkey Dust."