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Well, it could mean alot of things. You could have a problem, Your body doest like it maybe.. idk there could mea manydiffrnt thin no on really nos im 11 and i tred a tampon. Yes ik 11. My nana acualy thought me. i wet threw abput 12 lol. But somhimes it feels ok ad smethimesit dest. I really don't truht sampons i onl trust padds s i onlky us pads but it depmends on the person... when i wear pads i feel safeer noing i probubly wont leak but ppl r diffrent

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Q: Why does it hurt when you have a tampon in?
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Does it hurt the baby if i put in a tampon?

It wouldn't hurt the baby, but why would you put in a tampon, if you're pregnant you don't have your period.

Why does it hurt when you poop with a tampon in?

the tampon maybe improperly inserted or there maybe other elements such as a tumour or hernia if the pain persists consult a physician

Will a tampon make your uti hurt worse?

Not usually, unless you inserted it incorrectly.

Why does it hurt when I push my tampon plunger in?

Pushing down on the plunger of the applicator is what pushes the tampon into the vagina.There are many reasons why inserting tampons may hurt including you being too tense when inserting, inserting at the wrong angle, or using too high an absorbency. It would help if you were to use a non-applicator tampon to improve control and feel for resistance to insert the tampon correctly.

Is pain normal after retrieving a stuck tampon?

Whether it's normal to feel pain after retrieving a 'stuck' tampon depends on what you mean by it being 'stuck', what you did to retrieve it, and how long afterwards it continues to hurt. If the tampon was 'stuck' because it was too dry then it would have caused vaginal tearing and irritation so would hurt. If the tampon was 'stuck' because you were tense and you had to force it out that would hurt too. If you're experiencing pain days or weeks after removal then you may be looking at an infection.

Does it hurt when you put a tampon in that's bigger?

Tampon size isn't an issue, remember that your vagina is designed to accommodate things far bigger than a tampon, but tampon absorbency is an issue. Tampons dry-out vaginal tissues causing small tears in the vaginal walls, thus if you use too big an absorbency for your flow then it will have more of a drying effect so cause more tears - thus higher risk of TSS and more likely to cause discomfort. As long as you're relaxed and use the correct absorbency for your flow tampon use shouldn't hurt at all.

Why does putting in a tampon hurt at first?

Because your body isn't used to them, and you are probably really tight so i recommend either using smaller tampons, or just wait it out a bit and after a while, you will get used to them and your vagina will stretch out to fit the tampon.

Brown discarge followed by period that lasted one day when I put the tampon it hurt a lot?

Yes, it would hurt because you didn't have sufficient flow to be wearing a tampon. Tampons dry-out vaginal tissues and cause friction during insertion/removal when dry, this results in vaginal damage and irritation.

When you sit after applying a tampon does it hurt?

It shouldn't hurt at all when you are wearing a tampon, if it does something is wrong.If it hurts when you sit down it is likely that you have not inserted the tampon far enough, thus as you sit down the vaginal muscles push against the tampon lower down in the vaginal canal. This is common when first using tampons or if you use applicators, next time try non-applicator and push further.

Is it safer to use a tampon or a pad during your period?

It's about your personal preference. Pads are comfier and don't hurt in my opinion.

Does it hurt when you pu in a tampon?

No, as long as you're using them correctly tampons shouldn't hurt to insert.Tampons can hurt if you're not relaxed enough - if you're tense your vaginal muscles tense causing the vaginal walls to clench together, this narrows the vaginal canal and means having to push the tampon against vaginal muscles, it also makes it more likely you'd push the tampon into a vaginal wall rather than guiding it up into place. If you use too high an absorbency then this can cause pain due to friction of the dry tampon against the delicate vaginal tissues. Just relax and use correctly.

Does it hurt to put a tampon on?

It can hurt to insert a tampon, but it shouldn't - pain is not normal when using tampons.It can hurt if you're not relaxed enough when inserting tampons because the vaginal walls clench together when you're tense, thus you'd be pushing against vaginal walls when inserting tampons. If you use too high an absorbency or if you use tampons you're allergic to this can cause pain, as too will using tampons without sufficient flow. You can also experience pain if you don't insert at an angle or if you don't insert the tampon high enough in the vagina.