You need to attend a Cosmetology program to become a licensed hair dresser.
No, just cosmetology-a vocational school.
One can learn to become a hair dresser by taking a course at college and or university. One could also volunteer for work experience, or for a paid Apprenticeship to earn whilst you learn.
For a living, a hair dresser gives hair cuts on any type of hair. A hair dresser also performs hairstyles, dyes, and extensions.
yes, but it depends where you want to work at
yes , however , most peopLe take pictures out of magazines to there hair dresser's . (=
in your hair
If you need a job and have gone to beauty school to be a hair dresser then a hair dresser job would be beneficial and would get you income in your field.
hair dresser car
you need 5 A-C and you need to take your NVQ coures if you do get into college
hair messer!
To become a hair dresser you must attend a beauty school. Most people can earn their education and go on to work within this field within a matter of 12 to 24 months. The education is based more on your level of learning.