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They say that, because red and orange kind of look alike. Sometimes it might be red orange. The only way to make it that real color is to dye it darker

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Q: Why do people say you have red hair when your hair is orange?
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What color is heath slater's hair?

People would say ''redhead'' but technically his hair is orange not red....

What is another name for red hair color?

You can say, "She's got red hair!" or "She's got ginger hair!" or "She's got orange hair!"

Is Terry Fox's hair couler orange?

I believe not, I really think it is red but a lot of people say it's brown. iLiKEBAC0N.,

What do you call a person with orange hair?

I guess there are a few different names actually. When I was younger I believe I remember people calling orange haired people Red heads. Or you can say Carrot tops as well

Does the colour of hair affect the strength of hair?

Yes it dose say if his hair was brohe would be very weak but it red orange

What colour clothing suits pale skinned girls with red hair?

i would say green's and blues stay away from pink and orange if you have ginger hair

What color is the planet mars said to be?

It is known to be red but other people say it's a red and orange colour!

What was the color of Ned Kellys hair?

It was red.

Why do ginger people get teased?

People tease people with Ginger hair because there either jealous or your different and that you have orange or red hair. Also if you have a certain shade of Strawberry Blonde you get called Ginger. I have that shade of Strawberry Blonde that changes from the light to just naturally. Lately people say I have Ginger hair and call me ging or ginger. If this happens to you and you don't have ginger hair say, "Actually keep your made up facts to yourself." and walk of. If you do have ginger hair say, "Its the rarest hair colour in the world so I'm glad to be a one of a kind." and once again walk of.

Is red hair uncommon?

Yes, it is extrememly uncommon. I myself have red hair. Only 1.5% people in the world have a head full of red hair. Just a tiny but of red hair ir uncommon. Scientists say that redheads will be extinct by 2100. I myself does not believe it.

What was Saint Patrick's hair color?

Don't say it was orange/red because only 10 % of the whole Irish population has that hair colour ! I am sure it was grey later on because he was old :) But I am not sure about his hair colour when he was young :(

Why do people say redheads are the meanest?

im a red head and its because we have red hair so they think were hotheaded because of that