

Best Answer

umm,they do it because when u have sex its better as women like it more,but only do it if u feel comfortable doing it

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Q: Why do men shave their balls?
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How do men shave their balls?

With a razor! CAREFULLY!

Do men shave their balls?

Most just trim .

What is the best way to shave your balls?


Do Jewish men of today shave?

Most observant men do shave, but certain sects do not.

Do you get better sexlife if you shave your balls?

That is an inapropriate question!

What the best way to shave your balls?


What percentage of men shave his legs?

It is not known exactly how many men shave their legs. According to GQ magazine, however, about 40% of men shave their legs on a weekly basis.

Is it bad to shave in the morning?

No, it's not bad to shave in the morning. Most men shave every morning if they shave.

Best way to shave your pubic hair on your balls?

With a razor

Did men shave in mideavel times?

no they most likely did not shave in mideavel time because there was nothing to shave with.

What percent of men shave with a blade?

100 percent of men who shave, do so with a blade whether it be manually or electronically manipulated.

Do only gay guys shave?

No. Most men shave, gay or straight.