

Why do girls wear the hair up?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Why do girls wear the hair up?
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The older ones are allowed but they have to wear certain makeups and have light makeup for modesty.

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At what age did Victorian children wear their hair up?

An interesting question, girls were classed as a woman when engaged, so I suspect then you would start wearing your hair up.

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On your hair. It looks very pretty on girls hair.

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No, she Only use to wear flowers in their hairs...

What did girls in 1940 wear?

they wore there hair up in a high cute pony tale, and basically wore poodle skirts

How do guys like girls to wear their hair?

in a normal way

How do you be more attractive with girls?

spike your hair up and wear cool cloths but don't be someone your not if you like a girl then find out the sort of things the girls into and just talk to her.

What should you do with your hair for 8th grade formal?

There are many things that a girl can do with her hair for an 8th grade formal, including curling it. Girls may also straighten their hair, or wear it up in a pony tail.

Can girls with short hair wear flat caps?

No. it is highly illegal.

Why do girls wear swim caps?

They want to keep their hair dry

How can you atract girls?

Wear skinny jeans, skateboarding shirt, and get skateboarding hair.