

Why do girls wear pink?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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girls wear pink because over the ages, pink has been incorporated to be thought as "girls" wear and for girls only. same with blue and boys. Although now a days boys wear pink aswell and girls wear blue, pink still stands and represents girls for the reason that is has become that through time.

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because girls do it on the movie "mean girls" :P

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some huy or girl wrote a long thing on this wich make no sence at all so if u want to wear pink wear pink it's a color. some guys say tought guys wear pink. it's watever _______________________________________ Actually, before WWII boys wore pink since it was a watered down red and girls wore blue since it was plain and bland. I dont know what happened, but something with Germany being pink and US being blue vise verse and ect. Now people say pink is to girls and blue is to boys. SOOOO you can wear pink if you want to, or you can wear blue!!!!

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