Maybe but I have scars that I hate so much and I have been looking on websites on how to get rid of scras and I found that coco butter could get rid of stretch marks witch could be scars im not really sure but I kept looking and found that it can get rid of scars try using it and see what happens?
Just ask the boy your self and then if you are to shy to talk to him ask the peron that next to him and just stand thir like if you are doing some thing elsa
A Shiraz is totally opposite chavs, chavs are their arch enemy which means...they wear high street clothes they hate Prada,D&G,Burberry,Gucci,Dior,Chanel and they expecially hate Juicy couture. They like H&M,New Look, MK one, Primark ,BHS and Peacocks.
Well, that's just too bad because I'm here to stay whether you like it or not. But hey, the feeling is mutual. Cheers to mutual disdain!
The Hate That Hate Produced was created on 17-07-13.
People are not nice, so I hate them. People are not interesting, so I hate them. Music is boring, so I hate it. TV programming sucks, so I hate it. Games are not fun, so I hate them. I am not intelligent enough, so I hate me. The world is hard, so I hate it. In short, this is why I hate everything.
Hate is an extreme dislike for something or someone. Hate only symbolizes hate. There are symbols, like the swastika, that symbolize hate.
hate me
no you hate the world maybe we all hate the world...
Their hate fans and the JoBros hate club!
Hate (noun) - odium. To hate - odire.
To Hate = Odiar so I hate would be Odio