If you touch your nose you'll see that the area in which nose pierces are typically done is not a flat area. The area itself is inclined. Therefore, in order to have nose studs lay flat on you nose, the piercer will match the angle of the piercing to the incline of your nose. This results in almost all nose piercings being done at an angle.
No anwer. There is no answer that I know.
Yes. When Indian women get their noses pierced, it signifies that they are married. They get this done the day of their wedding.
i would say it is personal preference. most women/girls my age have their noses pierced. it looks good on most. so yeah... personal preference and whatever they feel comfortable with.
Yes! The way of thinking that a nose has to be small and cute in order to get it pierced is outdated. Plenty of people look great with tiny studs in bigger noses. Hoops, too.
Everybody heals differently, but it is likely that you will be left with a little dot that will look like a slightly large pore.
You obtain clothes and wear them. Jewlery is optional. Pierced ears are nice. The nose, take it or leave it. Look at women your age and use taste, good taste.
maybe about 8 weeks.
No they do not have noses.
No, starfish do not have noses.
Slugs have 4 noses.
Yes they do. They have 4 noses.
The arrow pierced his heart.She wanted to get her belly button pierced.