No, but when you have dreadlocks it means you do not wash your hair
Yes, although your hair will never be the same if you did get dreadlocks.
A tall dark haired actress to me would have to be Katie Holmes. She has a brownish color hair and is about 5'8''.
Anyone can have dreadlocks regardless of their race or heritage; as long as they have long enough hair, they can have dreadlocks.
Dreadlocks are not something about genes.... it's like a hair style.. it's not like having your hair curly or straight. or to be brunette or blondie..
Melanie Paxson
She is from Chicago.
natural dreadlocks
Joshua Cribbs has natural dreadlocks. They are not hair extensions or fake dreads. He has grown his hair out since his college career.
yes u can if u do not brush your hair
Fully mature dreadlocks basically look like rope made from hair, and that is exactly what they are. Dreadlocks form from matted knots in the hair. every dread is unique (or should be) they are as individual as fingerprints or snowflakes
No.. It would burn your hair because it's not smooth enough to straiten. Hair that is in dreadlocks is curled tightly, it can't be done. I don't even know why you would try.. If you wanted your hair strait why did you put them in dreadlocks in the first place.