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Redheads tend to have not as thick hair as brunettes.

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Q: Who has more hair on their head redhead or brunette?
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Related questions

Does a redhead have more hair follicles than a brunette and a blonde?

No, a brunette has more hair follicles than a redhead and a blonde. A blonde however; has more than a redhead.

Does a brunette have more hair follicles than a blonde and a redhead?

yes they do!

Is Britney Spears a brunette?

Yes, Lady Gaga is naturally a brunette but dyed her hair blonde. she didnt exactly dye it blonde, its more of a white............

What are some good redhead jokes?

Q: How do you know when your redhead has forgiven you? A: She stops washing your clothes in the toilet bowl Q: How do you know when a redhead has been using a computer? A: There's a hammer embedded in the monitor Q: If you love a Redhead, set her free ... A: If she follows you everywhere you go, pitches a tent in your front lawn and puts your new girlfriend in the hospital, she's yours. Q: Why aren't there any more redhead jokes? A: Someone told them to a redhead. Q: What is the difference between a redhead and a computer? A: The redhead won't accept three and a half inch Q: How do you know when you've satisfied a redhead? A: She unties you. A redhead walks into the drugstore and asks the pharmacist if he sells, x-large condoms. He replies, "Yes, we do, would you like to buy some?" She replies, "No sir, but if you don't mind I'd like to hang out here until someone does." --- A blonde, a brunette, and redhead were awaiting execution from a gunshot to the head. When it came the brunette's turn she yelled "tornado" and jumped out the window to safety. The redhead also created a diversion by yelling "hurricane". She ran and jumped out the window. Finally, it would be the blonde's turn, and she, wasted no time yelling "fire"... BANG!!!

Should you go blonde or brunette your hair is somewhat in the middle and im not sure which one to dye it?

Which ever one you like more!I like brunette!

What colour of hair has more effect on static electricity blonde or brunette?

Hair color is not a factor concerning static electricity .

Is blonde hair dominate to brown hair?

No,brunette hair is dominate because their are more of them.As well as being dominate,it doesnt mean that they are smarter

What is the difference between a blond and a brunette?

It is the amount of the eumelanin in the hair. Eumelanin is black pigment. Blond hair has very little eumelanin, and brunettes have more eumelanin.

Can two red heads have a blonde child?

depends on the MAle and Female gender who has the certain traitsthere is 100% chance that the child would be brunette unless the Mother had One Dom. Brunette Trait and a recessive Lighthair trait (Xx) there Would be a Fifty Percent chance for a RedHead Child if the mother was a Carrier.(Xx)(x)XX,XX(y)Xy,xy

Is lady gaga a natural blond?

No, Lady Gaga's natural hair color is brunette. She only dyed her hair blonde because people kept mistaking her for Amy Winehouse. Also Lady Gaga was a brunette but she dyed her hair blond so that her wig's in somevideos would look more natural.

Is there more hair follicles on your head or back of arm?


Is Jennifer Stone a redhead?

Jennifer Aniston has sunkissed brown hair if you want more hair colors check in the link I put below Hope that helps !. to proove its sunkiss brown look here