There is no recommended treatment for permanent nasal hair removal. There are ways to reduce the growth. The most common methods for removing nose hair are tweezing, creams, and trimming, although they are not permanent.
Probably waxing or bleaching but that only disguises the hair (such as on the top lip). Hole this helped a little even if it didn't fully answer the question Actually waxing or bleaching are temporary hair removal techniques, so the above poster is wrong. There is no actual permanent hair removal method, only permanent hair reduction methods. The most popular of these are , electrolysis, laser hair removal and IPL hair removal, all of which can prevent hair regrowth after multiple treatments. The referenced site has further information on temporary and permanent hair removal techniques.
Laser hair removal is generally pain free. It is one of the most effective hair removal methods available to a person also. It is permanent and there typically are no side effects.
The natural home methods will only help in temporary removal of hair, which tends to grow again within a short time. Permanent hair removal solutions such as laser treatments help for long term results provided the right treatment path is followed.
Permanent hair removal methods are not cheap. Electrolysis is well proven to be permanent, but it is a very slow process. Laser is much faster, although often requires multiple treatments. Laser does not work on all skin types and has varying degrees of effectiveness. Waxing is not permanent, but fast and lasts a while.
At present there are no permanent hair removal creams. There are creams that remove hair but ultimately the hair will continue to grow back. One product that can be used for hair removal is Nair cream.
old enough to have hair.
Information regarding permanent hair removal procedures can be found online. The website MedicineNet has an article about laser hair removal and it shows all the side effects of the treatment.
No cream will permanently remove hair. For that you need to have laser hair removal, or electrolysis.
Most hair removal requires multiple treatments.Electrolysis will provide for permanant hair removal.
permanent hair removal using electricity.
Body hair can be removed by several different methods. Some methods are cheaper than others. Some include laser hair removal, shaving, depilatories, and plucking.