about a couple months after so you can get used to having one
You can take second hole earings out after you've had them in for at least eight weeks because it might seem like a long time but the gristle in your ear has to get used to the earing being there and that takes a long time. You normally take earings out after six weeks but second hole earings are higher up your ear so inside your ear is harder because it is closer to the bone.
After the first
Dig a hole and plant a hippos ear in the hole within 3 seconds the plant should be fullly grown
no not really only for a second wanted to know is im going to get my second ear holle this weekend yay:)
one hole is pierced with a 14g needle, then a 16g barbell is threaded through it. then the second hole is pierced with a second 14g needle(usually more painful than the first hole) and the rest of the barbell is put through. the whole thing costs about $70
The bump inside of your earring hole is usually an indication that you have dirt, lint, debris or etc, inside of your hole. It should be painless which indicates that it is not infected. You just need to clean your earrings and ears with peroxide or alcohol and stick your earrings in your ear in the reverse, it should push the debris out.
Try a different style of ear plug
Yes, it can cause an ear infection
You should always treat both ears. If just one ear seems to be problematic you should use the same candle for both ears using the last minute of the burning candle on the second ear.