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The popliteal pulse is located behind the knee.

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Q: Where is the popliteal pulse located?
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Related questions

What is the pulse point at knee called?

The pulse point at the knee is called the popliteal pulse. It can be felt behind the knee joint.

What is a popliteal pulse?

A popliteal pulse is a pulse that can be felt behind the knee in the popliteal fossa. It is an important pulse for assessing blood flow to the lower leg and foot. Monitoring the popliteal pulse can help in diagnosing vascular conditions or injuries affecting the lower extremities.

A pulse site starting with a p?

Popliteal Pulse

Is a popliteal pulse felt above the femur?

No, in the popliteal fossa. Go behind the knee.

What pulse is palpated behind the knee?


What pulse is felt behind the knee?

The popliteal pulse is felt behind the knee.

Pictures where pulse located?

The pulse can be located in various places on the body, including the wrist (radial pulse), neck (carotid pulse), inner elbow (brachial pulse), groin (femoral pulse), behind the knee (popliteal pulse), on top of the foot (dorsalis pedis pulse), and behind the ear (posterior auricular pulse).

What is the number of pulse points in the human body?

there is (1) temporal pulse, (2) facial pulse, (3) carotid pulse, (4) antebrachial pulse, (5) brachial pulse, (6) radial pulse, (7) apical pulse, (8) popliteal pulse and another one on the anterior portion of the feet.

What is the pulse in the leg called?

The leg has several pulses. The pulse in the groin fold is the femoral artery. The pulse felt behind the knee is the popliteal pulse. The pulses in the feet are the dorsalis pedis and the posterior tibial pulse.

Before CPR is initiated on an adult the presence of circulation is usually determined by palpation of which pulse brachial carotid femoral popliteal radial?

Carotid pulse.

Where is the popliteal artery locatd?

the popliteal artery is located in the knee, behind the kneecap

What are the pulse?

The pulse can be felt in several locations on the body.The radial pulse point is on the thumb side of the inner surface of the wrist.The brachial artery pulse point is on the inner medial surface of the elbow, at the antecubital space (crease of elbow).The carotid pulse felt in the carotid artery of the neck when pressure is applied.The femoral point, located midway in the groin.The Dorsalis Pedis on the instep of the foot and the Popliteal at the back of the knee.