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KIDS DONT TRY THIS AT HOME!!Well now, first off if you find a product labeled 'RED India ink", you are being hoaxed, there is no such thing as RED India ink, by definition India ink is only black.....You may see it in packages labeled as that but in actuality it probably is just a permanent pigment in color....And if yer tempted to buy this stuff to do tattoos with ........BE WARNED, they often contain chemicals that keep them in suspension or even helps them to dry quicker.....AND most of the chemicals they use for this are either poisonous or have and acid base, not good for skin..............


seek out a professional and you may become a collecter of fine tattoo art, do it yerself at home and you may get a hangover that NEVER goes away..............

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Q: Where can one purchase red India Ink?
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Most of the blue light is absorbed by the red ink, which appears red because it reflects predominantly red light. The color we perceive is a result of the specific wavelengths that are reflected by the ink and not absorbed.

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One common way to separate substances in red ink is through chromatography. By applying a solvent to the ink and allowing it to travel up a specialized paper, different components in the ink will separate based on their solubility. This technique can reveal the individual components that make up the red ink.